The Gold Coast Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Gold Coast Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through part IV: Chapters 18-21.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 11, what does Bellarosa ask John about legally?
(a) Burglery.
(b) Stock buying.
(c) Trespassers.
(d) Money laundering.

2. In Chapter 13, why is John nervous about talking to Bellarosa on the phone about Dominic?
(a) In case the FBI is listening.
(b) He doesn't want to offend Bellarosa.
(c) He doesn't want to be friends with Bellarosa.
(d) He doesn't want Susan to hear him.

3. What does Anna serve John and Susan in Chapter 15?
(a) Espresso.
(b) Cannolis.
(c) A pasta platter.
(d) Water.

4. How does John feel when Frank Bellarosa tells him he is moving next door?
(a) Confused.
(b) Excited.
(c) Upset.
(d) Indifferent.

5. In Chapter 16, what does Bellarosa say will happen if John leaves his house?
(a) He'll make John's job harder.
(b) He'll leave John alone.
(c) He'll come after John.
(d) He'll tell the media.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Bellarosa propose Susan and Anna become friends?

2. Where does Bellarosa take John while Anna shows Susan around in Chapter 15?

3. In Chapter 14, what does John ask Dominic about Stanhope Hall?

4. What does Bellarosa give John while he is playing tennis?

5. In Chapter 13, why does Bellarosa tell John he will send a builder over?

(see the answer key)

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