The Godfather Returns Test | Final Test - Medium

Mark Winegardner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Godfather Returns Test | Final Test - Medium

Mark Winegardner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In retirement, Michael is planning to use his connections with whom to legalize gambling in Atlantic City?
(a) The Governor of New Jersey.
(b) The District Attorney of New Jersey.
(c) The President of the United States.
(d) The Senator from New Jersey.

2. Who does Johnny decide to include in the entertainment lineup for the Inaugural Ball because she's been such a good luck charm for Johnny?
(a) Lucy.
(b) Kathy.
(c) Kay.
(d) Rita.

3. Where in Billy's office does Francesca find the file with all of the information that Billy has been assembling on the Corelone family?
(a) Under "Mafia".
(b) Under "Insurance".
(c) Under "Family".
(d) Under "Wife".

4. Where is Michael Corleone born?
(a) New York.
(b) Sicily.
(c) Florence.
(d) Rome.

5. In Nick's opinion, who is the perfect person for the assassination job in Cuba?
(a) Carmine Marino.
(b) Rudy Forlenza.
(c) Sal Narducci.
(d) Al Neri.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Nick's father tells Nick that they need to discuss important business, where do they decide to hold that meeting?

2. Who witnesses Fredo's shooting at the lake?

3. After moving from their original apartment to a larger apartment in the Bronx, Fredo announced the profession he wanted to pursue. What does Fredo want to be?

4. Who does Russo need in order to complete his deal for the Cuban casinos?

5. When the fourth man playing golf is introduced to Tom, where does Michael say the fourth man is from?

Short Essay Questions

1. When she's six months pregnant, Billy takes Francesca to various embassy and hotel parties and is very attentive to her. What does Francesca believe is motivating Billy's attentiveness?

2. Describe the purpose of the "pizza men" that Nick requests during his meeting in Sicily.

3. After receiving the upsetting phone call and sending Kathy and Sonny out to dinner, what does Francesca realize that Kathy has been right about?

4. Explain why Michael and Nick have ended 1961 in a stalemate.

5. After meeting Joe Lucadello, Tom is suspicious of him. Why?

6. Why does Michael make it a point to attend the funeral for baby Carmela, even though neither Francesca's twin sister nor Billy's parents attend the funeral?

7. Even though Michael is moving into semi-retirement, he insists on keeping his seat on the Commission. Why?

8. According to what Kay tells Michael at the Inaugural Ball, why does she leave their marriage?

9. When Francesca finally confronts Billy as to why she does not like Michael, what does Billy tell Francesca?

10. How has Connie changed since moving into the Corleone family compound in Lake Tahoe?

(see the answer keys)

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