The Glass Castle Test | Final Test - Medium

Jeannette Walls
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Glass Castle Test | Final Test - Medium

Jeannette Walls
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In 7th grade, Jeannette finds a sense of belonging by:
(a) Getting a full time job in a nursing home.
(b) Becoming closer friends with Dinitia.
(c) Working for the school newspaper and a small local paper.
(d) Finally finding a group of friends.

2. What is the high school guidance counselor's advice for Jeannette?
(a) To keep her aspirations low, considering her background.
(b) To graduate high school and find a college to go to in West Virginia.
(c) To get married and not worry about school.
(d) To find a vocational school to go to, and live at home.

3. How does Jeannette handle the family's finances while her mother is out of town?
(a) She spends it all on food to last the entire month before her father can get to it.
(b) She hides all of the money and doles it out sparingly.
(c) She wastes some of it on things for herself and is ashamed, but buys food with the rest.
(d) She gives money to her father when he asks, even though she knows she shouldn't.

4. What does Jeannette plan to do after high school?
(a) Move back to Welch to be near her parents.
(b) Go straight to college.
(c) Travel the world.
(d) Take a job with the publication she interns for.

5. What does Jeannette find out about her mother's finances in Part 4 that surprises her?
(a) That her mother's family was very rich when she was a child.
(b) That her mother owns land that is worth over a million dollars and hasn't sold it.
(c) That her mother has been saving money to buy a house.
(d) That her mother had put aside money for all of the children when they were small.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Part 3, Jeannette and Lori make big plans to do what?

2. Where does Rex take Jeannette while her mother is gone in Part 3?

3. Why do the other children look down on the Walls children?

4. What incident gets Maureen sentenced to one year in the hospital?

5. How do Jeannette's views of her parents' behavior change as she develops into a teenager?

Short Essay Questions

1. After the incident between the children and Erma, what does Jeannette begin to wonder about her father?

2. What plans do Lori and Jeannette begin to make for themselves at the end of Part 3?

3. When Erma dies, how does the Walls family react? How is Rex's reaction different from the rest of the family?

4. How does Rose Mary view her and Rex's living situation in New York? How do the other members of the family see things differently?

5. Why is Jeannette so interested in going to Ginnie Sue's house? What is her visit like?

6. What is Rex's mother, Erma, like, and how does she differ from Grandma Smith?

7. Rex is largely absent from the family after they move to Welch. What has he been doing during this time?

8. What are some examples of how the Walls parents fail to provide for their children's needs during this first year in Welch?

9. Why does Rose Mary decide to hang on to the diamond ring that the children find in the woods rather than selling it for much needed money? What does this say about her priorities?

10. What are Jeannette's feelings towards her parents by the end of the book?

(see the answer keys)

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