The Glass Bead Game Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 94 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Glass Bead Game Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 94 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the book Knecht's name is placed in?
(a) The Golden Book
(b) The Ludi Book
(c) The Master in Waiting Book
(d) The Glass Bead Book

2. What is the deputy also known as?
(a) The Wife
(b) The Shadow
(c) The Leopard
(d) The Disciple

3. What language does Knecht study?
(a) French
(b) English
(c) Chinese
(d) Japanese

4. Who does the author say the book is intended for?
(a) People who play the Game
(b) People interested in the Game
(c) People who hate the Game
(d) People who don't know the Game

5. What does Knecht have to file every year?
(a) A report
(b) An essay
(c) A diary
(d) A musical piece

6. How do Knecht's teachers start treating him differently at the Latin school?
(a) As if he were dangerous
(b) As if he were a colleague
(c) As if they were jealous of him
(d) As if they wanted to get rid of him

7. How do students of Castalia gain entry to a Castalia school?
(a) Through examinations
(b) Through the Glass Bead Game
(c) Through their teachers
(d) Through marriage

8. What is a student admitted into when he graduates?
(a) The Glass Bead Game
(b) The Board
(c) The Supreme Court
(d) The Order

9. Which of Knecht's friends does the new Music Master have on his staff?
(a) Tegularius
(b) Jacobus
(c) Ferremonte
(d) Designori

10. What was the second academic subject that the Game embraced?
(a) Mathematics
(b) Science
(c) Literature
(d) Language

11. Who lives at Bamboo Grove?
(a) The Magister
(b) Knecht
(c) The Music Master
(d) Elder Brother

12. Who does Designori say he won a struggle with?
(a) Knecht
(b) The Magister
(c) His father
(d) The headmaster

13. What is Knecht more interested in doing than playing the Glass Bead Game?
(a) Reading
(b) Music
(c) Socializing
(d) Drinking

14. What subject does the author say the Glass Bead game is tied up with?
(a) Science
(b) Maths
(c) Music
(d) Literature

15. Who does Knecht spend time with at Mariafels?
(a) Father Jacobus
(b) The Abbot
(c) Father Zinden
(d) Father Davison

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Designori study at university?

2. Who invites Knecht to his house?

3. Who does the author call the historian of literature?

4. Who selects the Deputy?

5. What book does Knecht find the Abbot is well versed in?

(see the answer keys)

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