The Girl With the Louding Voice Test | Final Test - Easy

Abi Daré
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Girl With the Louding Voice Test | Final Test - Easy

Abi Daré
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 39, how long has Adunni been working for Big Madam?
(a) 4 months.
(b) 7 months.
(c) 6 months.
(d) 5 months.

2. In Chapter 41, how much time does Tia give Adunni to write her essay?
(a) 2 days.
(b) 1 week.
(c) 2 weeks.
(d) 3 days.

3. What does Tia's husband do for a living?
(a) Doctor.
(b) Ambassador.
(c) Engineer.
(d) Oil executive.

4. In Chapter 38, how many subscribers does TIa's weekly column have?
(a) 10,000.
(b) 8,000.
(c) 5,000.
(d) 2,300.

5. What is the name of Caroline's maid?
(a) Redeem.
(b) Joy.
(c) Chisom.
(d) Stephanie.

6. When did Adunni start working for Big Madam?
(a) September.
(b) October.
(c) July.
(d) August.

7. What do Nigerian senators earn in salary and allowances per annum?
(a) $50,000.
(b) $1.7 million.
(c) $190,000.
(d) $100,000.

8. What is Kofi baking in Chapter 47?
(a) Beef.
(b) Chicken.
(c) Bread.
(d) Cupcakes.

9. In Chapter 31, what color is Abu's prayer kettle?
(a) Silver.
(b) Blue.
(c) Bronze.
(d) Green.

10. In Chapter 44, what color wig does Dr. Ken's mother wear?
(a) Brown.
(b) Black.
(c) Blonde.
(d) Silver.

11. When was child marriage made illegal by the Nigerian government?
(a) 1997.
(b) 1999.
(c) 2000.
(d) 2003.

12. About how long ago did Big Daddy's bank file for bankruptcy?
(a) 8 years.
(b) 15 years.
(c) 20 years.
(d) 17 years.

13. In Chapter 43, when do Adunni and Big Madam go to Big Madam's church for a special thanksgiving service?
(a) Last Sunday in November.
(b) Second Sunday in January.
(c) First Sunday in April.
(d) Third Sunday in March.

14. How did Tia and her husband meet?
(a) Instagram.
(b) eharmony.
(c) Match
(d) Facebook.

15. When Big Madam is home, how late does Adunni work?
(a) 11.
(b) 10.
(c) 11 or midnight.
(d) 10 or 11.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many goats does Kofi say that Caroline Bankole killed for a party of ten?

2. Who is happy when Buhari wins the election?

3. How much bigger is the fridge in Big Madam's house than the one Adunni used to see in the Ikati market square?

4. In Chapter 44, what day of the week does Adunni meet Tia in the compound?

5. How much money does Big Madam give Big Daddy for the offering in Chapter 43?

(see the answer keys)

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