The Girl With the Louding Voice Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Abi Daré
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Girl With the Louding Voice Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Abi Daré
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 13-18.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 6, what color cloth do the men and women wear to Adunni's wedding?
(a) Blue.
(b) Green.
(c) White.
(d) Red.

2. How far do Khadiji and Adunni walk to the bus garage in Chapter 13?
(a) 3 miles.
(b) 1/4 mile.
(c) 2 miles.
(d) 1/2 mile.

3. In Chapter 14, how far do Bamidele and Adunni have to carry Khadija to the Kere River?
(a) 3/4 mile.
(b) 1/2 mile.
(c) A mile.
(d) 1/3 mile.

4. How long did Adunni's mother spit up blood before she died?
(a) 4 months.
(b) 8 months.
(c) 7 months.
(d) 3 months.

5. How many goats did Morufu have to sacrifice before Labake was able to have a child?
(a) 3.
(b) 4.
(c) 1.
(d) 2.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long does Bamidele's wife say he is traveling in Chapter 16?

2. How old was Enitan when she first wanted to marry?

3. How old is Tola?

4. How many days ago in Chapter 10 did Labake drag Adunni out of the bathroom so she could take a bath?

5. In Chapter 11, how long has it been since Adunni has seen Kayus?

(see the answer key)

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