The Girl With the Louding Voice Fun Activities

Abi Daré
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Girl With the Louding Voice Fun Activities

Abi Daré
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Girl With the Louding Voice Lesson Plans

Map It

Create a map showing places where characters live and travel.

Nigerian Independence

Research how and when Nigerian gained its independence. Write a few paragraphs discussing what you learned.

Bridges - Lagos

Create a collage showing the various bridges in Lagos.

Louding Voice

Adunni wanted a louding voice so she could change the lives of girls with education. Discuss with a group what you would like to do if you gained a "louding voice" like Adunni.

Nigeria - Poor and Rich

Use a Venn diagram to compare the lives of the poor and the rich in Nigeria.

Exhange Rate

Naira are the currency in Nigeria. Figure the exchange rate for various amounts of naira as compared to U.S. dollars.


Create a poster showing various types of fabric that Big Madam might have sold in her shop.


Create a glossary of interesting words.

Book Review

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