The Girl With Seven Names Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Lee, Hyeonseo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Girl With Seven Names Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Lee, Hyeonseo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Two: To the Heart of the Dragon, Chapters 31-36 and Part Three: Journey into Darkness, Chapters 37-42.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hyeonseo say becomes a main topic of conversation between herself and Ok-hee once they see the television news story about the North Korean defectors?
(a) Moving to South Korea together.
(b) Volunteering to help North Korean defectors.
(c) Moving to Shenyang together.
(d) Getting a new apartment together in Laos.

2. When Hyeonseo's mother is ordered to appear at the Bowibu headquarters in Hyesan, what does she do?
(a) She makes a plan to flee to Laos.
(b) She goes to stay with Aunt Pretty in Hamhung.
(c) She goes to the Bowibu headquarters in Hyesan.
(d) She takes Min-ho to South Korea.

3. When Hyeonseo heard the news that some local young women had been caught listening to South Korean pop music, what was their allocated punishment?
(a) They are executed.
(b) They are sentenced to a prison camp.
(c) They are forced to move to a different county.
(d) They are exiled from North Korea.

4. When the receptionist at the restaurant calls Hyeonseo to tell her there are two men waiting for her there, who does Hyeonseo think they are?
(a) Her two cousins.
(b) Her brother and uncle.
(c) The two South Korean filmmakers.
(d) Policemen.

5. What was the sentence given to the family deported for the father's mistake of rolling a cigarette using a piece of newspaper and failing to notice a picture of the Great Leader on the other side of the scrap?
(a) They are sent to a potato digging work farm.
(b) The family's home is searched daily for a span of five years.
(c) The family is sent to a Chinese prison.
(d) The adults are executed and the children are sent to the gulag.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many gradations of status exist within the three broad categories of songbun?

2. What was the true cause of Hyeonseo's father's death?

3. Hyeonseo says that she will never be truly free of her country's what, no matter how far she travels?

4. What aspect of the songbun system is kept secret from those residing within its levels?

5. What is the rough translation of the North Korean ideological term juche?

(see the answer key)

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