The Girl With Seven Names Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Lee, Hyeonseo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Girl With Seven Names Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Lee, Hyeonseo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Two: To the Heart of the Dragon, Chapters 19-30.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What border was Hyeonseo's father crossing when he was arrested?
(a) He was crossing from South Korea into North Korea.
(b) He was crossing from North Korea into China.
(c) He was crossing from China into North Korea.
(d) He was crossing from China into South Korea.

2. Hyeonseo's first memory consists of almost dying in what way?
(a) Almost drowning.
(b) Almost being beaten to death by a soldier.
(c) Almost getting hit by a train.
(d) Almost suffocating.

3. Hyeonseo remarks that the family's home by the river in Hyesan was perfect for what?
(a) Learning to ice skate.
(b) Her mother's illicit enterprises.
(c) Learning to sail.
(d) Her own gardening hobby.

4. Who stands up for Hyeonseo when the customer yells that Hyeonseo has misunderstood his request because she is North Korean?
(a) Kim.
(b) Hyeonseo's mother.
(c) The restaurant manager.
(d) Min-ho.

5. What was listed as Hyeonseo's father's cause of death after her mother had bribed the hospital authorities to falsify it?
(a) Heart attack.
(b) Influenza.
(c) Suicide.
(d) Stroke.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the true cause of Hyeonseo's father's death?

2. To what city does Hyeonseo's family move after leaving Hyesan?

3. Hyeonseo states that every election in North Korea always "returned Kim Jong-il with" what "percentage approval" (111)?

4. When the Socialist Youth League performed work in the summer, they dug tunnels around Hyeonseo's school. What type of work did they engage in during the other three seasons that year?

5. What is NOT a quality named by Hyeonseo in her list of beliefs North Koreans held about The Great Leader before his death?

(see the answer key)

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