The Girl Who Owned a City Test | Final Test - Easy

O.T. Nelson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Girl Who Owned a City Test | Final Test - Easy

O.T. Nelson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long does Lisa say it will take to get ready to move to Glenbard?
(a) A couple of weeks.
(b) Five or six nights.
(c) A few hours.
(d) A day or two.

2. What does Lisa say building the city cost her?
(a) Her friendships.
(b) All the money she ever had.
(c) Her life.
(d) Hard work.

3. Who is going to drive the truck to move the children's belongings to Glenbard?
(a) Steve.
(b) Craig.
(c) Todd.
(d) Lisa.

4. How many of the children cry the night after Lisa sends them all to "earn" their new toys?
(a) Almost all of them.
(b) Three or four.
(c) None.
(d) Only one.

5. Who shoots Lisa?
(a) Craig.
(b) One of Tom Logan's soldiers.
(c) Tom Logan.
(d) One of the sentries who is aiming at Tom Logan.

6. Who is going to become the city's doctor?
(a) Steve.
(b) Craig.
(c) Julie.
(d) Jill.

7. Who is driving the lead vehicle in the procession?
(a) Julie.
(b) Tom.
(c) Jill.
(d) Charlie.

8. Who is in the chamber when Lisa enters?
(a) Tom and Jill.
(b) Jill and Julie.
(c) Craig.
(d) Tom.

9. Where does Tom put the gun?
(a) On the floor.
(b) On a bench.
(c) In his pocket.
(d) On the table.

10. What do the children plan to do with the oil they are keeping on the roof?
(a) Keep their weapons oiled and ready.
(b) Funnel it down to the automotive shop as needed.
(c) Heat it and pour it on anyone who attacks.
(d) Pour it on the walls so they become too slick to climb.

11. What color is the flag the children fly over Glenbard?
(a) Red, white and blue.
(b) Orange and yellow.
(c) Green and purple.
(d) Black and white.

12. How many people does Lisa say they should bring in as a trial for her plan?
(a) Three families.
(b) Eighty or so.
(c) Three kids.
(d) As many as they can find.

13. What does Tom answer when Lisa asks why he feels the need to steal what others worked for?
(a) He says he's afraid.
(b) He says he isn't smart enough to find things for himself.
(c) He says it's easier than working for himself.
(d) He doesn't say anything.

14. Who knocks on the chamber door when Lisa is finally alone there?
(a) Tom.
(b) Todd.
(c) Jill.
(d) Todd, Jill and Tom.

15. Why does Lisa say they need to leave the dogs at the airport until they're trained?
(a) They have more dog food stored there.
(b) There's a large area for training.
(c) They don't want the other kids making pets of them.
(d) They might bark all night and give away their location.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do Todd and Jill go the morning after Lisa's surgery?

2. What does Lisa tell the children she will give them if they can also find the keys to their parents' cars?

3. What does Lisa say it would have been a good day to do at the end of chapter fifteen?

4. What does Todd say most of the children in the city believe about Lisa?

5. Who does Jill share a room with in the new city?

(see the answer keys)

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