The Girl Who Drank the Moon Test | Final Test - Easy

Kelly Barnhill
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Girl Who Drank the Moon Test | Final Test - Easy

Kelly Barnhill
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the narrator describe the madwoman doing with the feathers in Chapter 26?
(a) Turning them into paper.
(b) Making a pillow from them.
(c) Making a dress from them.
(d) Using them to dust.

2. Upon what is the madwoman flying on the backs of in Chapter 31?
(a) Paper birds.
(b) Bats.
(c) Clouds.
(d) Dragons.

3. How many of the Sisters of the Star follow Ethyne from the Tower when she departs in Chapter 38?
(a) Two.
(b) Nine.
(c) Three.
(d) Six.

4. What does Luna's drawing reveal when she seeks her grandmother in Chapter 34?
(a) A desert landscape.
(b) A bird in a man's hand.
(c) A map that heads through the forest.
(d) A mountain and a lake.

5. What is described as the unofficial motto of the Sisterhood in Chapter 38?
(a) "Knowledge is beauty" (310).
(b) "Knowledge is what leads the way" (310).
(c) "Knowledge is a terrible power indeed" (310).
(d) "Knowledge is dangerous in the wrong hands" (310).

6. What is the title of Chapter 32?
(a) "In Which It Was Just a Dream."
(b) "In Which Luna Finds a Paper Bird. Several of Them, Actually."
(c) "In Which a Magical Child Is More Trouble by Half."
(d) "The Witch of Washington Avenue."

7. What is the title of Chapter 44?
(a) "In Which It Was Just a Dream."
(b) "In Which There Is a Change of Heart."
(c) "The Queen of the Bog."
(d) "The Princess of Pacific Street."

8. Where had Sister Ignatia hidden her boots, according to the narrator in Chapter 34?
(a) In the Tower.
(b) In the River of Embers.
(c) In the volcano.
(d) In Xan's bedroom.

9. What is described as "the most funamental - and yet least understood - element of the known universe" (210) in the book that Luna discovers in Chapter 25?
(a) "The mind."
(b) "Magic."
(c) "Money."
(d) "Science."

10. What are described as appearing in Luna's footsteps in Chapter 32?
(a) Diamonds.
(b) Pearls.
(c) Flowers.
(d) Moonbeams.

11. What are the first of the farm animals that approach the madwoman in Chapter 31?
(a) The mules.
(b) The goats.
(c) The pigs.
(d) The geese.

12. Ethyne demands the answer of what question of her friend who is a Sister of the Star in Chapter 34?
(a) "Where are you going?" (276-277).
(b) "Does the tiger prowl?" (276-277).
(c) "Where is my husband?" (276-277).
(d) "Where is the Sister?" 276-277).

13. What kind of glass does Sister Ignatia use to create a scrying device in Chapter 33?
(a) Paper glass.
(b) Glass of air.
(c) Volcanic glass.
(d) Mirror glass.

14. What does Sister Ignatia attempt to obtain from the madwoman in Chapter 40?
(a) Her necklace.
(b) Her gloves.
(c) Her cloak.
(d) Her boots.

15. What is the title of Chapter 43?
(a) "In Which a Story is Told."
(b) "The Queen of the Bog."
(c) "In Which a Story Contains a Hint of Truth."
(d) "In Which a Witch Casts Her First Spell--On Purpose This Time."

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the madwoman enjoy doing as a little girl?

2. What does Glerk say that Fyrian has done for the past 500 years in Chapter 39?

3. What is the world described as being full with in the end of Chapter 42?

4. Glerk tells Fyrian that the Sorrow Eater is the reason that he was raised how, in Chapter 45?

5. What phrase is above the door that Luna chooses to enter in Chapter 25 (207)?

(see the answer keys)

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