The Girl in the Spider's Web Test | Final Test - Medium

David Lagercrantz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Girl in the Spider's Web Test | Final Test - Medium

David Lagercrantz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 24, how does Dahlgren say that Kajsa Falk died?
(a) Drowned.
(b) Stabbed.
(c) Run over by a truck.
(d) Shot.

2. In Chapter 28, what time does Salander get out of bed?
(a) 8:30 a.m.
(b) 7 a.m.
(c) 7:30 a.m.
(d) 8 a.m.

3. In Chapter 26, what type of vehicle is Blomkvist driving?
(a) Audi.
(b) Saab.
(c) Mercedes.
(d) Lexus.

4. In Chapter 25, where does Needham say that the Five Eyes system is run out of?
(a) Cheyenne Mountain.
(b) Texas.
(c) Washington, D.C.
(d) Denver.

5. In Chapter 16, what is the name of the taxi driver who drives Salander to Oden's?
(a) Abel.
(b) Ahmed.
(c) Rafn.
(d) Mick.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 21, where does Rebecka Mattson say that she is living?

2. In Chapter 27, who does Casales say is the mole on Grane's team?

3. In Chapter 21, what does Salander have after leaving a short message for Zander on the PGP link?

4. In Chapter 26, where does August try to hide when a man shoots at him?

5. Where is Grane moving in Chapter 31?

Short Essay Questions

1. At the end of Chapter 18, why does Berger decide that Salander is doing the right thing by hiding August?

2. How does Grane convince Berger to use her house in Chapter 18?

3. In Chapter 25 how does Salander identify Roger from August's drawings?

4. In Chapter 16, why is Grane unhappy about how her team is working on Balder's murder?

5. In Chapter 20, why does Bublanski refuse to release Salander's name and picture?

6. In Chapter 22, how does Palmgren say that Salander took revenge on her father?

7. Why does August scream at the beginning of Chapter 26, and what happens after he screams?

8. In Chapter 16, how does Salander realize who the assassin is?

9. What does August draw at the end of Chapter 20, and how does Salander interpret the drawing?

10. In Chapter 27, what do Modig and Holmberg learn from K.G. Matzon who witnesses the shootings at Grane's house?

(see the answer keys)

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