The Girl in the Spider's Web Test | Final Test - Easy

David Lagercrantz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Girl in the Spider's Web Test | Final Test - Easy

David Lagercrantz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 16, where does the man who calls himself Jan Holtser live?
(a) Oslo.
(b) Minsk.
(c) Helsinki.
(d) Warsaw.

2. In Chapter 21, what image is in the puzzles that is on the floor of the drawing August creates of two men?
(a) Monkeys in trees.
(b) Silver sports car.
(c) Dolphins in the ocean.
(d) Red sports car.

3. In Chapter 26, what type of vehicle is Blomkvist driving?
(a) Audi.
(b) Saab.
(c) Lexus.
(d) Mercedes.

4. In Chapter 30, what scenery is Hanna enjoying?
(a) Mountains.
(b) City canyons.
(c) Plains.
(d) Ocean.

5. In Chapter 20, what was an alias of Alexander Zalachenko?
(a) Thomas Abel Klein.
(b) Karl Axel Bodin.
(c) Peter Robert Persson.
(d) Martin David Andersson.

6. In Chapter 27, who does Casales say is the mole on Grane's team?
(a) Kraft.
(b) Olofsson.
(c) Nielsen.
(d) Sandstrom.

7. In Chapter 19, why does Bublanski remove Hans Faste from the investigation?
(a) He was leaking information to the SAPO.
(b) He was leaking information to Kraft.
(c) He lost evidence.
(d) He was insubordinate.

8. In Chapter 19, how many IT experts from Linkoping University and the Royal Institute of Technology have been to Balder's house to look for his research?
(a) 3.
(b) 5.
(c) 2.
(d) 4.

9. In Chapter 16, where is Salander shot?
(a) Thigh.
(b) Calf.
(c) Shoulder.
(d) Bicep.

10. In Chapter 22, where were Camilla and Salander in the story that Palmgren begins to tell at the end of Chapter 22?
(a) Bedroom.
(b) Kitchen.
(c) Front porch.
(d) Living room.

11. In Chapter 19, how old is Jacob Charro?
(a) 26.
(b) 22.
(c) 21.
(d) 29.

12. Where is Salander at the beginning of Chapter 15?
(a) Swimming pool.
(b) Chess club.
(c) Boxing gym.
(d) Karate class.

13. In Chapter 16, where has Superintendent Marten Nielsen been studying for the past year?
(a) University of Maryland in the United States.
(b) University of Iowa in the United States.
(c) Univeristy of Colorado in the United States.
(d) University of Michigan in the United States.

14. Where is Grane moving in Chapter 31?
(a) London.
(b) Paris.
(c) New York.
(d) Chicago.

15. In Chapter 15, what does Wrange feel because of Balder's death?
(a) Joy.
(b) Fear.
(c) Grief.
(d) Relief.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 15, where does Wrange remember meeting Bogey?

2. In Chapter 25, what time does Blomkvist get home?

3. How old is Superintendent Nielsen in Chapter 16?

4. In Chapter 22, how old does Palmgren remember that Salander's mother was when she was taken to a nursing home?

5. In Chapter 21, what does Needham say that he named his car?

(see the answer keys)

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