The Girl in the Spider's Web Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

David Lagercrantz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Girl in the Spider's Web Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

David Lagercrantz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is hit when Holtser shoots at Blomkvist in Chapter 10?
(a) Side of the house.
(b) Window.
(c) Mailbox.
(d) Police car.

2. In Chapter 5, how much money does Salander have?
(a) 5 billion kroner.
(b) 6 billion kroner.
(c) 1 billion kroner.
(d) 3 billion kroner.

3. In Chapter 4, what does Grane say that she suggested Balder get when he was worried about his safety?
(a) Bodyguard.
(b) Guard dog.
(c) Gun.
(d) Chauffeur.

4. In Chapter 8, what does Balder set out for August to draw?
(a) Apples and an orange.
(b) Puzzles.
(c) Dinnerware.
(d) Toys.

5. In Chapter 14, where does Blomkvist find August's latest drawing?
(a) Trash.
(b) Under August's bed.
(c) In August' closet.
(d) Under a couch.

6. In Chapter 13, what injury did August have that caused Balder to lose custody of his son?
(a) Got a concussion.
(b) Was fed properly.
(c) Broke his elbow.
(d) Broke his ankle.

7. In Chapter 7, where does Levin want to send Blomkvist?
(a) Paris.
(b) London.
(c) Berlin.
(d) Chicago.

8. In Chapter 13, how old is Farah Sharif?
(a) 44.
(b) 56.
(c) 52.
(d) 47.

9. In Chapter 14, what did Forsberg do before he became a psychologist?
(a) Surgeon.
(b) Dentist.
(c) Lawyer.
(d) Gym teacher.

10. Who does Salander correspond with at the end of Chapter 5?
(a) Casales.
(b) Grane.
(c) Needham.
(d) Blomkvist.

11. In Chapter 14, what does August want to do all the time?
(a) Listen to stories on tape.
(b) Put together puzzles.
(c) Draw.
(d) Listen to music.

12. In Chapter 10, what does Holtser take before a mission?
(a) Vicodin.
(b) Diazepam.
(c) Stesolid.
(d) Depakote.

13. In Chapter 11, what time does Lisbeth wake again?
(a) 7:30.
(b) 7:45.
(c) 8:30.
(d) 6:15.

14. In Chapter 13, what does Modig say that a 13-year-old boy says he saw a tall man doing in the night?
(a) Running along the river.
(b) Loading a gun.
(c) Getting a gun from a backpack.
(d) Making the sign of the cross.

15. What label does Balder think he would have had as a child?
(a) Autistic.
(b) Disintegrative disorder.
(c) Asperger's.
(d) Rett syndrome.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 14, how much is Levin worth?

2. In Chapter 11, how does Zetterlund describe August?

3. In Chapter 5, what is Salander's name in the Hacker Republic?

4. At the end of Chapter 9, where do Flinck and Blom hear a noise?

5. In Chapter 6, how long has it been since Balder has shaved or taken a shower?

(see the answer keys)

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