The Girl in the Spider's Web Essay Topics & Writing Assignments

David Lagercrantz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Girl in the Spider's Web Essay Topics & Writing Assignments

David Lagercrantz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Girl in the Spider's Web Lesson Plans

Essay Topic 1

The point of view in the novel is third person limited. How does the point of view that is used in the novel limit what readers know? How does the point of view affect what readers think of characters and events?

Essay Topic 2

August draws very realistic drawings. What are some of these drawings? What do the drawings symbolize?

Essay Topic 3

Levin seems to be competing with Blomkvist. How would you describe the relationship between the two men? What role does their relationship play in the novel?

Essay Topic 4

Bogdanov has a very expensive watch. Why is it odd that he would have such an expensive watch? What does the watch symbolize?

Essay Topic 5

Several parent/child relationships are described in the novel. What abusive child/parent relationships are revealed in the novel? What stable parent/child relationship are revealed in the novel? How do parent...

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