The Ginger Man Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ginger Man Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Dangerfield wear when he, MacDoon and Parnell go out drinking?
(a) Shorts and T-shirt.
(b) Tuxedo.
(c) Kangaroo costume.
(d) Bathrobe.

2. MacDoon gives Dangerfield a statue of __________________.
(a) Douglas MacArthur.
(b) Winston Churchill.
(c) Franklin D. Roosevelt.
(d) Oliver Plunkett's head.

3. What does Dangerfield notice about the house?
(a) The roof is leaking.
(b) Marion has moved out.
(c) It has been vandalized.
(d) It has been repainted.

4. Where does Dangerfield rent a room?
(a) In a Victorian house.
(b) In a rowhouse.
(c) In a hostel.
(d) In a boardinghouse.

5. What does Miss Frost cook for Dangerfield for dinner?
(a) Sheep's head.
(b) Lamb stew.
(c) Shepherd's pie.
(d) Sausages.

6. Why is Lilly angry with Dangerfield?
(a) He said she was gaining weight.
(b) She has to stay and face the suspicions and rumors.
(c) He would not take her with him to the pub.
(d) He stole her wallet.

7. What does a chambermaid's suggestion prompt Dangerfield to do?
(a) Take a bath.
(b) Tidy his room.
(c) Get some sleep.
(d) Eat dinner.

8. Where is Dangerfield staying in London?
(a) A hostel.
(b) A friend's house.
(c) A hotel.
(d) An inn.

9. What are the rumors O'Keefe has heard about Dangerfield?
(a) His affairs.
(b) His illness.
(c) His alcoholism.
(d) His scholarships.

10. What does Tony sleep in at night?
(a) A hammock.
(b) A bunk bed.
(c) A recliner.
(d) A couch.

11. Who does Dangerfield visit before leaving Dublin?
(a) O'Keefe.
(b) Chris.
(c) Aggie.
(d) Marion.

12. What does Dangerfield call his favorite chair?
(a) The rack.
(b) The big squeeze.
(c) The supine chair.
(d) The tub.

13. How long has Tony's landlord been trying to evict him?
(a) A month.
(b) Six month.
(c) A year.
(d) Two years.

14. What kind of costume has MacDoon made?
(a) Kangaroo.
(b) Bear.
(c) Gorilla.
(d) Devil.

15. O'Keefe tells Dangerfield that Tony Malarkey spends all his days __________________-.
(a) staring into space.
(b) drinking.
(c) making toys.
(d) reading.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Dangerfield think about as he has sex with Miss Frost?

2. What does Dangerfield do at the party to create havoc?

3. What is O'Keefe's one goal in life?

4. What does O'Keefe demand from Dangerfield?

5. Which of the following is NOT part of the meal that Miss Frost prepares?

(see the answer keys)

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