The Gift of the Magi Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 60 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Gift of the Magi Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 60 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is the looking-glass described in Della and Jim's home?
(a) Very wide.
(b) Round and solid.
(c) Very large.
(d) Very narrow.

2. What are the "magi" from the Bible also referred to as?
(a) The Three Old Lepers.
(b) The Three Virgins.
(c) The Three Bearers of Gold.
(d) The Three Wise Men.

3. What literary term applies to a device wherein the author steps away from the narrative to speak directly to the reader?
(a) Omniscient intrusion.
(b) Authorial intrusion.
(c) Extrication.
(d) Literary allusion.

4. How much is the cost of the room where Della and Jim live?
(a) $20 per week.
(b) $5 per week.
(c) $8 per week.
(d) $15 per week.

5. How much money has Della saved up in the opening of "The Gift of the Magi"?
(a) $4.23.
(b) $1.96.
(c) $5.24.
(d) $1.87.

6. When was "The Gift of the Magi" first published?
(a) 1953.
(b) 1905.
(c) 1765.
(d) 1865.

7. How much is Jim's income now, according to the author in the opening of "The Gift of the Magi"?
(a) $30 per week.
(b) $15 per week.
(c) $40 per week.
(d) $20 per week.

8. To what is Della's hair compared when she lets it down in the beginning of "The Gift of the Magi"?
(a) A snowy lake.
(b) A sea of jellyfish.
(c) A peacock's feathers.
(d) A falling stream.

9. On what floor is the hair shop described as being?
(a) The first floor.
(b) The third floor.
(c) The second floor.
(d) The basement.

10. How long is Della's hair described in the beginning of "The Gift of the Magi"?
(a) Just above her waist.
(b) Below her knees.
(c) To her shoulders.
(d) Below her ankles.

11. The gifts that Della and Jim are revealed to have bought for one another are an example of what literary device?
(a) Verbal irony.
(b) Comic irony.
(c) Simile.
(d) Literary allusion.

12. What are Jim and Della about to do in the end of "The Gift of the Magi"?
(a) Go to Jim's mother's home.
(b) Eat dinner.
(c) Put their baby to bed.
(d) Go to Della's mother's home.

13. When Jim enters his apartment, he is described as being as what?
(a) A lion when it is near a gazelle.
(b) A bear when it is near an apple pie.
(c) A hunting dog when it is near a bird.
(d) A snake when it is near a rabbit.

14. How long does Della take to try to make her hair look better before Jim arrives home in "The Gift of the Magi"?
(a) 10 minutes.
(b) 20 minutes.
(c) 40 minutes.
(d) Two hours.

15. What does the narrator say Jim would have done if a king had lived in the same home as he and Della?
(a) Called out for his servants to serve the king.
(b) Worked as his jester.
(c) Looked at his watch every time they met.
(d) Killed his servants.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the magi bring to the baby Jesus in the Bible?

2. At what time does Della have Jim's dinner ready for him?

3. How is the proprietor of the hair shop described?

4. Della considers what Jim will think of her cut hair and she imagines that if he does not kill her, he will say she looks like what in "The Gift of the Magi"?

5. When Della lets down her hair in the beginning of "The Gift of the Magi" it is said to almost create what?

(see the answer keys)

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