The Gift: Poems by the Great Sufi Master Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Gift: Poems by the Great Sufi Master Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The seventh chapter closes with praise of mediation in the poem "Let ______ Become Your Beautiful Lover".
(a) Thought.
(b) Life.
(c) Beauty.
(d) God.

2. According to Ladinksy, Hafiz's poetry has often been used in an ______ fashion, like astrology or the tarot.
(a) Columnar.
(b) Oracular.
(c) Vernacular.
(d) Vestibular.

3. The eighth chapter opens with the poem "Get the Blame Straight" granting humanity the right to blame and ____ God for everything.
(a) Criticize.
(b) Denounce.
(c) Credit.
(d) Rebel against.

4. Within his poetry, Hafiz tells the reader that he is speaking _______ truths mean to free people to celebrate and revel in the divine.
(a) Universal.
(b) Archaic.
(c) Selective.
(d) Moral.

5. In the poem "What the Hell" Hafiz is unable to contain his ecstatic love and decorates a girl's house with _____.
(a) Pictures.
(b) Birds.
(c) Poems.
(d) Flowers.

Short Answer Questions

1. Hafiz reveals his own _____ in asking for divine affection in the poem called "Mismatched Newlyweds".

2. In the chapter's closing poem "That Magnificent ______", Hafiz compares himself to a cypress.

3. The poem "A Hunting Party" makes the suggestion that the search for spiritual nourishment should take place ______.

4. The poem "Love is the Funeral Pyre" returns to the idea of burning away all that is ______.

5. Hafiz uses the image of all creation applauding in the warm gaze of God in the poem "Life Starts ______".

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the story which is being told in the poem, "The Difference Between," according to this translation of Hafiz?

2. What is the symbolism which is being used in "Please," according to this translation of Hafiz?

3. What was so special about Shiraz where Hafiz grew up, unlike many of the other surrounding cities?

4. What happens to Hafiz in "I Hold the Lion's Paw," according to this translation of Hafiz?

5. What is the permission that Hafiz grants the reader in "Get the Blame Straight," according to this translation of Hafiz?

6. What is the message Hafiz tries to tell the reader in "Really Just a Tambourine," according to this translation of Hafiz?

7. What does Ladinsky have to say about his interpretation of Hafiz and what he did with the translation?

8. What is the symbolism used to describe God in "Lifts Beyond Conception,"according to this translation of Hafiz?

9. What did Queen Victoria do with the poetry of Hafiz when she read it during her reign?

10. In "God's Bucket," what does the symbolism of the roaring ocean seem to say, according to this translation of Hafiz?

(see the answer keys)

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