The Ghosts of Cannae: Hannibal and the Darkest Hour of the Roman Republic Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert L. O'Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ghosts of Cannae: Hannibal and the Darkest Hour of the Roman Republic Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert L. O'Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many horsemen did the Roman Army have?
(a) Two every 20 foot soldiers.
(b) Two every 5 foot soldiers.
(c) Two every 13 foot soldiers.
(d) Two every 10 foot soldiers.

2. What did Hannibal's troops find in Cannae that helped them?
(a) A weaponsmith.
(b) Horses.
(c) Volunteers.
(d) Grain storage and supply dump.

3. What did Africanus do to protect his father?
(a) Round up spearmen.
(b) Round up women.
(c) Round up soldiers.
(d) Round up horsemen.

4. How many legionaries died during the Battle of Cannae?
(a) 45,500.
(b) 65,500.
(c) 35,500.
(d) 55,500.

5. When did snow close the passes in the Alps?
(a) Mid September.
(b) Mid October.
(c) Mid December.
(d) Mid November.

6. What did Hannibal know about the Roman army?
(a) Their weakest men.
(b) Their commanders.
(c) Their strength and weaknesses.
(d) Their equipment.

7. What is unsure about Fabius and Minucius' armies?
(a) If they would fight one after the other.
(b) If they would fight against each other.
(c) If one would be in reserve.
(d) If they fight as one or separately.

8. What does the author say is speculation?
(a) Hnannibal was a copy cat.
(b) Hannibal was not the military genius, his brother was.
(c) That Hannibal used slaves as spies.
(d) Hannibal took no prisonners.

9. How did the Romans signal their incoming battle?
(a) The horses were prepared.
(b) The solders were chanting.
(c) Horns were blowing.
(d) A tunic flew above Varro's tent.

10. What was Hannibal the first to do in the Alps?
(a) Cross it with an organized army.
(b) Survive winter.
(c) Climb above 8000 feet.
(d) Raise an army.

11. How did Hannibal learn what he knew about the Roman army?
(a) By studying previous engagements.
(b) By capturing Romans.
(c) Nobody knows.
(d) Reading Roman publications.

12. How old was Africanus during his first battle against Hannibal?
(a) 17.
(b) 16.
(c) 15.
(d) 14.

13. What was Fabius doing while burning structures and supplies?
(a) Asked for more and more reinforcement.
(b) Detaching a small unit to arrest Hannibal.
(c) Avoided confronting Hannibal.
(d) Tried to crush Hannibal.

14. What did Hannibal want his troops to do to destabilize the Roman army?
(a) Force them out before breakfast.
(b) Force them out at night.
(c) Force them out during a torrential rain.
(d) Force them out as it was sunny.

15. What did Hannibal encourage his soldiers to do?
(a) Take slaves.
(b) Fight.
(c) Leave.
(d) Be without mercy.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Hannibal put together his army?

2. What do historians agree on about Hannibal's troops?

3. Why were some of the Roman soldiers left behind?

4. How were the Romans able to defeat Carthage?

5. What followed the pinning of the center of an army in Hannibal's tactics?

(see the answer keys)

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