The Ghosts of Cannae: Hannibal and the Darkest Hour of the Roman Republic Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Robert L. O'Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ghosts of Cannae: Hannibal and the Darkest Hour of the Roman Republic Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Robert L. O'Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Ghosts of Cannae: Hannibal and the Darkest Hour of the Roman Republic Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 4-6.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Hannibal choose to fight with the wind in his back?
(a) So Romanw would have sand in their eyes.
(b) So Hannibal don't have to smell the odor of the Roman food.
(c) So the Romanw had to fight against the wind to move.
(d) So the Romanw cannot use arrows.

2. What were Carthaginians using in battle?
(a) Bulls.
(b) Elephants.
(c) Chariots.
(d) Camels.

3. How long after Hannibals's invasion of Italy does Chapter 1 start?
(a) 43 years.
(b) 63 years.
(c) 73 years.
(d) 53 years.

4. What does Robert O'Connell describe the Punic War to?
(a) Napoleonic wars.
(b) WWI and WWII.
(c) The Rose Wars.
(d) The French Revolution.

5. What did Carthage focus on?
(a) Policing.
(b) War.
(c) Mercenaries.
(d) Teaching.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was even more difficult to do than going up icy slopes?

2. What reputation did Hannibal have, according to some historians?

3. What did the tablet Polybius studied tell the story of?

4. What did Hannibal know about the Roman army?

5. What was the common Roman tactic to overpower their enemies?

(see the answer key)

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