The Ghosts of Cannae: Hannibal and the Darkest Hour of the Roman Republic Multiple Choice Test Questions

Robert L. O'Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ghosts of Cannae: Hannibal and the Darkest Hour of the Roman Republic Multiple Choice Test Questions

Robert L. O'Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Ghosts of Cannae: Hannibal and the Darkest Hour of the Roman Republic Lesson Plans

Chapters 1-3

1. Where was Polybius of Megalopolis at the start of Chapter 1?
(a) Crossing the Swiss Alps.
(b) Crossing the Italian Alps.
(c) Crossing the German Alps.
(d) Crossing the FrenchAlps.

2. How long after Hannibals's invasion of Italy does Chapter 1 start?
(a) 43 years.
(b) 63 years.
(c) 53 years.
(d) 73 years.

3. What was Polybius of Megalopolis' goal?
(a) Write a book about the Celts.
(b) Write a book about Hannibal.
(c) Write a book about Rome.
(d) Write a book about the Gauls.

4. When did the battle of Cannae take place?
(a) August 2, 206 B.C.
(b) August 2, 236 B.C.
(c) August 2, 226 B.C.
(d) August 2, 216 B.C.

5. How many soldiers fought at Cannae?
(a) 110,000.
(b) 120,000.
(c) 150,000.
(d) 20,000.

6. How many Romans died at Cannae?
(a) 58,000.
(b) 48,000.
(c) 148,000.
(d) 38,000.

7. How was Publius Cornelius Scipio also known?
(a) Gaullus.
(b) Europeanus.
(c) Asianus.
(d) Africanus.

8. Why are historians incapable of pinpointing the site of the battle of Cannae?
(a) No location indications are given in the texts.
(b) Rivers and construction efforts changed the landscape.
(c) The river dried out.
(d) Maps of the area were lost.

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