The Ghost Road Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ghost Road Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Dr. Rivers' dream about Ngea's widow, whose face is she wearing in hut?
(a) Emele's.
(b) Kathleen's.
(c) Billy's.
(d) Sarah's.

2. What do the soldiers do on Sunday mornings?
(a) Sing war songs.
(b) Rise at dawn.
(c) Play cards.
(d) Sleep in.

3. What condition are the villages of France in?
(a) Pristine.
(b) Plentiful.
(c) Ruins.
(d) Run down.

4. What lifestyle does Dr. Rivers dream of at the beginning of Part 2, Chapter 12?
(a) Nomad.
(b) Missionary.
(c) Mentor.
(d) Scholar.

5. Who does Wansbeck admit to having conversations with?
(a) His mother.
(b) Dr. Rivers.
(c) The ghost of the soldier he killed.
(d) The deceased woman he almost married.

6. What song does Billy hear sung in Part 2, Chapter 11?
(a) Claire de Lune.
(b) Onward Christian Soldiers.
(c) Ode to Joy.
(d) Caro Mi Bien.

7. What does Njiru wear in Part 2, Chapter 12?
(a) A white cloth.
(b) A flower.
(c) A sheet.
(d) A crown.

8. In Part 3, Chapter 15, who does Billy live with that he knew in the past?
(a) Soldiers from Craiglockhart.
(b) Dr. Rivers.
(c) Sarah.
(d) Longstaffe.

9. When Billy needs his gas mask, what happens?
(a) He cannot reach it.
(b) It breaks.
(c) He puts it on.
(d) His friend puts it on him.

10. Where is Dr. Rivers dreaming about in Part 2, Chapter 10?.
(a) The Himalayans.
(b) Nigeria.
(c) Eddystone.
(d) Island Kinney.

11. Who does Billy have a sexual experience with in Part 3, Chapter 17?
(a) A French woman.
(b) A German man.
(c) Sarah.
(d) The lady of the farmhouse.

12. Where does Billy work on the front lines?
(a) Behind the captain.
(b) A foxhole.
(c) In a tank.
(d) Behind the cannon.

13. Where is Ngea's body escorted to, prior to meeting the funeral boat?
(a) A cave.
(b) A ledge.
(c) The barracks.
(d) The beach.

14. Why does Dr. Rivers feel like the war has ended?
(a) The weather is nice.
(b) He is not busy at work.
(c) His sister tells him it has.
(d) People act as though it already has.

15. What happens to Ngea's skull?
(a) It is placed in the skull house.
(b) It is burned.
(c) His widow rests with it.
(d) It is sent to sea.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the officers order the troops not to believe in?

2. When does Emele leave the mourning hut?

3. Where is Billy assigned to fight at the end of Part 3, Chapter 15?

4. What is Billy writing in at the beginning of Part 2, Chapter 11?

5. Whose hut does Dr. Rivers dream of approaching in Part 2, Chapter 12?

(see the answer keys)

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