The Ghost Road Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ghost Road Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What song does Billy hear sung in Part 2, Chapter 11?
(a) Claire de Lune.
(b) Ode to Joy.
(c) Onward Christian Soldiers.
(d) Caro Mi Bien.

2. In Dr. Rivers' dream about Ngea's widow, whose face is she wearing in hut?
(a) Kathleen's.
(b) Sarah's.
(c) Emele's.
(d) Billy's.

3. What sound do the soldiers often hear?
(a) Planes.
(b) Screaming.
(c) Roosters crowing.
(d) Gunfire.

4. What happens to Ngea's skull?
(a) It is sent to sea.
(b) It is placed in the skull house.
(c) It is burned.
(d) His widow rests with it.

5. Where does Part 2, Chapter 13 take place?
(a) Melanesia.
(b) France.
(c) United States.
(d) London.

6. What type of drill does Billy run?
(a) Mess hall.
(b) Gun.
(c) Gas mask.
(d) Fire.

7. What does the Marshall-of-the-Ten-Wounds plan to build?
(a) A house.
(b) A plane.
(c) A bridge.
(d) A fort.

8. At Craiglockhart, how did Dr. Rivers get his patients to confide their feelings?
(a) He would make them feel safe.
(b) Intimidation.
(c) Medication.
(d) Hypnosis.

9. Who is rumored to call for peace?
(a) Switzerland.
(b) France.
(c) England.
(d) Germany.

10. What wakes Dr. Rivers from his dream state in Part 2, Chapter 10?
(a) The sun.
(b) Miss Irving.
(c) The doorbell.
(d) Night tremors.

11. In Part 3, Chapter 17, what type of weapons do Billy's battalion fear they will march against?
(a) Swords.
(b) Machetes.
(c) Grenades.
(d) Guns.

12. Who does Billy have a sexual experience with in Part 3, Chapter 17?
(a) Sarah.
(b) A German man.
(c) A French woman.
(d) The lady of the farmhouse.

13. What sounds awakens Dr. Rivers when Ngea dies?
(a) Ngea's whispering spirit.
(b) Women crying.
(c) The skulls clinking.
(d) Dogs howling.

14. Where will the funeral boat take Ngea?
(a) To his grave.
(b) To sea.
(c) To an island.
(d) To heaven.

15. When does Emele leave the mourning hut?
(a) When the conch shell is blown.
(b) When Dr. Rivers asks her to.
(c) When the boy appears.
(d) When Njiru arrives.

Short Answer Questions

1. What worries Dr. Rivers during his dream in Part 2, Chapter 12?

2. What happens to Hallett in Part 2, Chapter 13?

3. Who is the second most powerful chief in Eddystone?

4. What do the soldiers do on Sunday mornings?

5. How much longer does Billy think the war will continue?

(see the answer keys)

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