The Ghost Road Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ghost Road Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Njiru cure a woman of in Dr. Rivers presence?
(a) Diarrhea.
(b) Hernia.
(c) Worms.
(d) Constipation.

2. What does Mitchell focus on while questioning Billy?
(a) His love for his country.
(b) His loyalty to his unit.
(c) His asthma and prior attacks.
(d) His bravery.

3. Why doesn't Dr. Rivers want Billy to return to war?
(a) Billy's recent memory problems.
(b) His anger issues.
(c) His anemia.
(d) Billy suffers from hypothermia.

4. Who does Dr. Rivers help?
(a) Invalids.
(b) Veterans.
(c) Children.
(d) Women.

5. What type of course does Hallet take?
(a) Bombing.
(b) The Captain's Course.
(c) Penmenship.
(d) Morse code.

6. Where does Elinor have a room?
(a) The local boarding house.
(b) The barracks.
(c) Jail.
(d) The mental institution.

7. In Part 2, Chapter 9, how does Billy feel about being in the war?
(a) Justified.
(b) Happy.
(c) Victimized.
(d) Scared.

8. What does Billy do his last night in London?
(a) Goes out.
(b) Attempts suicide.
(c) Visits Sarah.
(d) Goes to church.

9. What does Billy label his fellow soldiers?
(a) Traitors to land and sea.
(b) Cowards.
(c) Fighters until the end.
(d) Ghosts in the making.

10. Who surprises Billy in Part 1, Chapter 3?
(a) Njiru.
(b) Hallet.
(c) Dr. Rivers.
(d) Mitchell.

11. What motivates Billy to fight in France?
(a) Hatred for the French.
(b) Lack of a life plan.
(c) Violent tendencies.
(d) The Medal of Honor.

12. What does Ian Moffet suffer from?
(a) Cerebral palsy.
(b) Hysterical paralysis.
(c) Cancer.
(d) Split personality disorder.

13. What image does Dr. Rivers remember at the end of Part 1, Chapter 4?
(a) A cross on a hill.
(b) A rose in the snow.
(c) A house of skulls.
(d) A dying soldier.

14. Does Dr. Rivers want Billy to fight?
(a) Yes, because he doesn't like Billy.
(b) If Billy wants to.
(c) Yes, because Billy is good at it.
(d) No.

15. Why is Billy sent back to England?
(a) Dementia.
(b) Asthma.
(c) Pneumonia.
(d) Shellshock.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Dr. Rivers named after?

2. Billy thinks Hallet is too _____ to fight?

3. What does Njiru tell Dr. Rivers lives in the lower intestines?

4. What was Dr. Rivers called as a boy?

5. What title is Billy given in Part 2, Chapter 9?

(see the answer keys)

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