The Ghost Map Test | Final Test - Medium

Steven Johnson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ghost Map Test | Final Test - Medium

Steven Johnson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In The Pump Handle, how many cases of cholera were reported on Saturday morning according to The Globe?
(a) 7 or 8.
(b) 9 or 10.
(c) 8.
(d) 11.

2. In Building the Case, how many quarts of Broad Street water did a boy tell Whitehead he had drunk from the Broad Street pump?
(a) 3.
(b) 10.
(c) 5.
(d) 1.

3. What class of people did Whitehead notice during a sermon had survived the plague in disproportionate numbers?
(a) Poor, elderly men.
(b) Poor children under ten.
(c) Poor, elderly women.
(d) Poor teenagers.

4. In The Pump Handle, how long did the deaths in Soho continue after the pump handle was removed?
(a) 2 weeks.
(b) 3 days.
(c) About 4 days.
(d) Another week.

5. How old was Snow when he died?
(a) 62.
(b) 45.
(c) 39.
(d) 51.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Whitehead research the records, how long did he discover that the Lewis baby was sick before she died?

2. In Building the Case, how far was a tailor on Cross Street from The Little Marlborough Street pump?

3. In Building the Case, when did survivors who reported consuming large quantities of water from the Broad Street pump do their drinking?

4. In The Ghost Map, when did Snow suffer a stroke?

5. In All Smell is Disease, how far back did the miasma theory date to?

Short Essay Questions

1. When and why would a tailor send one of his boys to get well water at the Broad Street pump in Building the Case?

2. How did Chadwick's career become the origin of the concept of "big government"? (113)

3. In The Ghost Map, why was Edmund Cooper sent to investigate the Broad Street epidemic?

4. Through the new sewer system, how much waste was deposited into the Thames and what was the result?

5. Why was it odd that the sewer-hunters had long lifespans and were rarely sick?

6. What was the Great Stink and how did it affect epidemic disease at the time?

7. In Building the Case, why did residents in well-to-do neighborhoods believe that the outbreak of cholera took place among the poor?

8. How did Henry Mayhew see waste recycling as a way of increasing population growth?

9. In Building the Case, what did Snow discover that seemed to point to a reason why residents at 50 Poland Street and workers at the Lion Brewery did not contract cholera?

10. In Building the Case, what finally persuaded authorities that cholera was waterborne?

(see the answer keys)

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