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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who is Henry's sister?
2. In Chapter 8, who does Henry realize has found them at the fair?
3. What do most of the men at Versailles except Percy and Henry wear in Chapter 5?
4. What is the topic of the lecture Mr. Lockwood wants Percy and Henry to attend in Chapter 4?
5. In Chapter 6, what does Lockwood tell Henry is happening as a result of his behavior at Versailles?
Short Essay Questions
1. In Chapter Five, what transpires to leave Henry standing in the palace gardens naked?
2. In Chapter 7, what surprises Felicity about Henry's reason for not hitting back at one of the highwaymen?
3. In Chapter 11, what does Ernesta tell Henry about the tradition and meaning of kintsukuroi?
4. In Chapter 10, what does Felicity tell Henry about what she would like to do with her life that shocks Henry?
5. In Chapter 8, who does Henry ask for help with Percy (besides Felicity) and why?
6. In Chapter Five, how does Worthington react to Henry's and the Duke of Bourbon's exchange?
7. In Chapter Four, how does Henry feel about the first month of their Grand Tour?
8. In Chapter 7, when is the first occasion when Henry realizes that Percy is handsome to him?
9. In Chapter 12, what does the note from Lockwood that Lockwood left at the bank for Henry and Felicity say?
10. In Chapter 10, what do Ernesta and Eva tell Henry, Percy, and Felicity about what Mateu Robles has been working on?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
In Chapter 18, Henry helps Percy and stays with him through a period of some length during which Percy falls ill at the opera and thinks he is about to suffer an epileptic episode. How does Percy's attitude and feelings towards Henry seem to change after this experience? Write an essay explaining your answer.
Essay Topic 2
What do you think the sinking and ultimate destruction of the island of Marta e Maria in Italy, where Madame Robles's tomb and the panacea was located, symbolizes? Write an essay explaining your answer, citing specific references to the text to help support your conclusions.
Essay Topic 3
Write an essay analyzing Lee's decision to write the novel from the first-person point of view of Henry Montague. How does this choice affect the reader's perception of both Henry himself, and of the other main characters?
This section contains 802 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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