The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue Test | Final Test - Medium

Mackenzi Lee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue Test | Final Test - Medium

Mackenzi Lee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 19, how can Henry tell when he finds Mateu Robles in jail?
(a) Robles is missing an ear.
(b) Robles has a shaved head.
(c) Robles is missing an eye.
(d) Robles is missing two fingers.

2. In Chapter 22, who is injured by the commotion on the ship?
(a) Felicity.
(b) Henry.
(c) Percy.
(d) Pascal.

3. What does Henry often smoke?
(a) A pipe.
(b) Cigars.
(c) Clove cigarettes.
(d) Regular cigarettes.

4. In Chapter 14, what language do most of the people Henry comes across in Barcelona speak?
(a) French mixed with Catalan.
(b) English mixed with French.
(c) English mixed with Spanish.
(d) Spanish mixed with Basque.

5. In Chapter 17, what does the book shop clerk tell Henry to look for books about?
(a) Roman history.
(b) Venetian history.
(c) Florentine history.
(d) Greek history.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 19, what does Henry tell Mateu Robles he thinks Robles's freedom is contingent upon?

2. In Chapter 16, what instrument is Mateu Robles's music meant to be performed upon?

3. In Chapter 16, Henry is shocked to find a letter to Helena from which of the following in Helena's study?

4. In Chapter 17, who does Henry discover were Lazarus's two sisters?

5. Why does Percy tell Henry he would have trouble getting a job?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 13, what is Henry's impression of Dante Robles?

2. In Chapter 15, what does Felicity ask Henry about that makes Henry uncomfortable?

3. In Chapter 19, what does Henry force himself to think about to give himself courage when he is starting to fall apart?

4. In Chapter 16, what does Helena Robles tell Percy and Henry her father and Percy have in common?

5. In Chapter 19, why does the thief-taker's striking of Henry's face cause Henry such shame and fright?

6. In Chapter 16, what offer does Helena make that surprises Henry and Percy?

7. In Chapter 19, why does Henry fake a theft?

8. In Chapter 23, what does Henry convince Scipio to let him do as the French naval ship approaches?

9. In Chapter 21, why does the boatswain refuse to let Felicity, Percy, and Henry on the boat to Italy once he sees them all together?

10. In Chapter 14, what language does Helena Robles speak to Henry when he first rings her doorbell and why is he put off when she says she does not speak English?

(see the answer keys)

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