The Gate of Angels Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Gate of Angels Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Fred in Part 4, Section 21, who is a horrible person?
(a) Daisy.
(b) Dr. Sage.
(c) Kelly.
(d) Dr. Matthews.

2. Where is Fred's family when he tells them that he loves Daisy?
(a) At the Anglican Hostel.
(b) At St. Angelicus.
(c) At the Wrayburns' home.
(d) On their way to Cambridge.

3. At the beginning of Part 3, Section 15, who regrets talking to Fred about Daisy?
(a) Dr. Sage.
(b) Mrs. Wrayburn.
(c) Mr. Wrayburn.
(d) Thomas Kelly.

4. Who looks at a sink loaded with dishes from her husband's daily meals?
(a) Mrs. Wrayburn.
(b) Mrs. Martinez.
(c) Mrs. Fairly.
(d) Mrs. Sage.

5. At the beginning of Part 4, Section 20, who is Fred preparing to address?
(a) The Disobligers' Society.
(b) Skippey.
(c) The Junior Fellowship.
(d) His second term practical physics students.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who owns the paper?

2. Who does Daisy encounter when she goes to the kitchen to return her apron?

3. Who tells Mr. Fairly at dinner that he holds out no great hopes for "the future of the material universe"?

4. What does the sacristan take from a cupboard inside the door of the pillars?

5. What is analogous to Dr. Matthews' ghost story?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Daisy back in Cambridge in Part 3, Section 14? Where is she staying and why?

2. Fred asks Daisy why she lied in court about not knowing Kelly. What answer is Fred hoping to hear from Daisy? What answer does Daisy give?

3. In Part 2, Section 12, why is Daisy visiting the newspaper office? What happens during the visit?

4. Why does Daisy lose her job at the hospital? Where does she intend to seek her next job?

5. In Part 4, Section 21, after his lecture, where does Fred go looking for "Nurse Saunders"? What does Fred discover about Daisy's new job?

6. Who comes to visit Fred in Cambridge? What does Fred reveal to the visitors?

7. How does Daisy respond to Kelly's remarks during her newspaper office visit?

8. Who suddenly appears in the courtroom? What knowledge does he share about the accident?

9. At the beginning of Part 3, Section 14, Fred is still attempting to write a letter to Daisy. Why does he not want to throw away his previous attempts? How much contact has he actually had with Daisy at this point?

10. What door does Daisy reach that is standing open? What does she hear as she tries to walk away from the door? Who does she encounter as a result of a delay?

(see the answer keys)

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