The Gate of Angels Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Gate of Angels Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is charged before the witnesses are allowed into the courtroom?
(a) Tom Kelly.
(b) George Turner.
(c) John Gauss.
(d) Richard Catcher.

2. Which experiments are being conducted by Skippey that need more funding?
(a) The Michelson-Morley experiments.
(b) The Fitzgerald-Morley experiments.
(c) The Interferometer Effect experiment.
(d) The Michelson Interferometer expermiment.

3. According to Fred, who is a writer of fiction, not to be trusted?
(a) Professor Flowerdew.
(b) The Provost.
(c) Daisy.
(d) Dr. Matthews.

4. Who is going with Daisy to Cambridge?
(a) Sweedon.
(b) Mrs. Martinez.
(c) Kelly.
(d) Katie.

5. What year is the setting for Dr.Matthews' story?
(a) 1835.
(b) 1900.
(c) 1908.
(d) 1869.

Short Answer Questions

1. What name does Daisy give one of the flowers in the meadow?

2. At the beginning of Part 2, Section 12, who is seated in the library's reading room when Daisy enters?

3. At what building does Daisy stop while walking with Kelly?

4. According to Fred in Part 4, Section 21, who is a horrible person?

5. Who does Fred Fairly wish to marry?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who suddenly appears in the courtroom? What knowledge does he share about the accident?

2. Why does Daisy lose her job at the hospital? Where does she intend to seek her next job?

3. Who is cited concerning Fred's accident? What are the charges?

4. At the beginning of Part 3, Section 14, Fred is still attempting to write a letter to Daisy. Why does he not want to throw away his previous attempts? How much contact has he actually had with Daisy at this point?

5. In Part 2, Section 12, why is Daisy visiting the newspaper office? What happens during the visit?

6. Who comes to visit Fred in Cambridge? What does Fred reveal to the visitors?

7. When Daisy returns to the hospital after visiting the newspaper, what does she discover about patient 23? Who is patient 23?

8. How does Daisy respond to Kelly's remarks during her newspaper office visit?

9. Where does Fred go after leaving the courtroom? Why?

10. Fred asks Daisy why she lied in court about not knowing Kelly. What answer is Fred hoping to hear from Daisy? What answer does Daisy give?

(see the answer keys)

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