The Frontiersmen: A Narrative Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Frontiersmen: A Narrative Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Blue Jacket disgusted with the young Braves under his command?
(a) Because of their change in religion.
(b) Because of their bravado.
(c) Because of their love for colonial culture.
(d) Because of their love of whiskey.

2. Who is Josiah Harner?
(a) A politician.
(b) A trader.
(c) A slave.
(d) A general.

3. What does Tecumseh plan for the future?
(a) To unite the Indian Nations.
(b) To found a religion.
(c) To make peace with the Whites.
(d) To build a city.

4. What happens to one of the two last forts to the west of the Ohio River?
(a) It is flooded.
(b) It is burned.
(c) It is abandoned.
(d) It is attacked.

5. In what year is the president sworn in in Chapter 10?
(a) 1805.
(b) 1800.
(c) 1801.
(d) 1790.

6. What name does the city of Losantivillle change its name to?
(a) Washington.
(b) New York.
(c) Detroit.
(d) Cincinnati.

7. What happens to Greathouse in Chapter 8?
(a) He joins the British.
(b) He becomes rich.
(c) He joins the Spanish.
(d) He, his family and party are all killed.

8. What year does Simon's mother die?
(a) 1807.
(b) 1800.
(c) 1805.
(d) 1801.

9. What military rank is Simon Kenton given in Chapter 9?
(a) Major.
(b) Captain.
(c) Lieutenant.
(d) General.

10. How few men act as the standing army in and around Kentucky?
(a) 4,000.
(b) 1,400.
(c) 400.
(d) 40.

11. How does Johnny Logan prove his loyalty to the Americans?
(a) By attacking the British.
(b) By infiltrating the Indian Nations.
(c) By working for the Americans.
(d) By attacking a group of Native Americans.

12. What meeting happens in 1789 that clears the way for Ohio's Statehood?
(a) The first Federal Congress.
(b) The War of Independence.
(c) The American Civil War.
(d) The Declaration of Independence.

13. In Chapter 11, what does the President ask Tecumseh to do?
(a) Relocate westwards.
(b) Relocate eastwards.
(c) Relocate south.
(d) Relocate north.

14. In what year do the British give up their claims on their American Territories?
(a) 1717
(b) 1812.
(c) 1790.
(d) 1796

15. In Chapter 10, which Indian tribe decides to join with Tecumseh?
(a) The Shawnee.
(b) The Sioux.
(c) The Cherokee.
(d) The Mohawk.

Short Answer Questions

1. What financial danger is presented to Simon Kenton Senior?

2. How does the British swindler con money out of people?

3. In Chapter 7, why does praying help the surrounded colonists?

4. How many lost their lives in the battle on September 16th, 1791?

5. Whom does Moluntha name as his successor?

(see the answer keys)

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