The Frontiersmen: A Narrative Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Frontiersmen: A Narrative Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is John Kenton?
(a) The leader of the British forces.
(b) Simon Kenton's son.
(c) The President of the U.S.
(d) A fellow trapper and hunter.

2. How few men act as the standing army in and around Kentucky?
(a) 400.
(b) 1,400.
(c) 4,000.
(d) 40.

3. When are Elizabeth and Simon Kenton Senior married?
(a) 1812.
(b) 1798.
(c) 1799.
(d) 1790.

4. How many men does Congress think have been killed and scalped?
(a) 1,500.
(b) 50.
(c) 500.
(d) 5,000.

5. What do Tecumseh and Simon Kenton agree to do in Chapter 10?
(a) To trade food.
(b) To privately sell each other land.
(c) To make peace.
(d) To trade skins.

6. Who is at the head of the disastrous army in Chapter 9?
(a) Washington.
(b) St. Claire.
(c) Proctor.
(d) Drouilliard.

7. In Chapter 7, why does praying help the surrounded colonists?
(a) It gives them resolve.
(b) The Indians are Christian.
(c) The attacking Indians do not wish to anger the Great Spirit.
(d) It scares the Indians.

8. What does Stephen Ruddell teach Tecumseh?
(a) Reading and writing Spanish.
(b) Reading and writing English.
(c) Reading and writing French.
(d) Reading and writing Latin.

9. Who does the United States declare war with in Chapter 12?
(a) The Canadians.
(b) The Spanish.
(c) The British.
(d) The French.

10. What businesses of Kenton's son goes bust?
(a) A military company.
(b) An expedition.
(c) A silver mine.
(d) Two general stores.

11. What happens on September 16th, 1791?
(a) The Indian Chiefs unite to fight the Whites together.
(b) A hurricane.
(c) An earthquake.
(d) The Indian Chiefs sign a peace treaty with the Whites.

12. Who does Simon Kenton fall in love with in Chapter 9?
(a) Elizabeth.
(b) Ruth.
(c) Sutawnee.
(d) Martha.

13. How many men desert on September 16th, 1791?
(a) 300.
(b) 3.
(c) 3,000.
(d) 30.

14. What financial danger is presented to Simon Kenton Senior?
(a) The banks seize his assets.
(b) He is robbed.
(c) He is swindled out of money.
(d) His Kentucky holdings fail.

15. How does the British swindler con money out of people?
(a) He sells Indian slaves.
(b) He sells impossible medicines and cures.
(c) He makes pamphlets that sell dangerous land.
(d) He asks people to invest in his schemes.

Short Answer Questions

1. What other famous adopted chief dies in Chapter 12?

2. How many Indians does Tecumseh want to raise against the Whites?

3. How do hostilities break out at the festive event in Chapter 7?

4. Which illness does Simon Kenton Senior suffer from?

5. How does Simon Kenton's wife, Martha, die?

(see the answer keys)

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