The Frontiersmen: A Narrative Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Frontiersmen: A Narrative Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How has the settler whom Simon finds in Chapter 6 been killed?
(a) Stabbed.
(b) Drowned.
(c) Attacked by Tomahawks.
(d) Impaled on a stake.

2. What role do Simon and Girty play in the peace in Chapter 2?
(a) They kill the Indian chief.
(b) They are messengers between the Indians and the Whites.
(c) They help defeat the Indians.
(d) They surrender their side.

3. What challenge do the Indians force Simon to pass?
(a) Jumping a waterfall.
(b) Capturing a snake.
(c) A run called the gauntlet.
(d) Climbing a cliff.

4. What job does Simon get after saving Strader?
(a) Miller.
(b) Officer.
(c) Miner.
(d) Surveyor with the Greathouse expedition.

5. How do Simon Kenton and Simon Girty get involved in Dunmore's army?
(a) They ask to become sailors.
(b) They ask to become scouts.
(c) They ask to become messengers.
(d) They ask to become majors.

6. Who winters with Kenton in Chapter 5, proving to have become a drunk?
(a) Daniel.
(b) Simon.
(c) Ruth.
(d) Drouillard.

7. What name does Simon change his name to, in order to con some food and clothes from a neighbor?
(a) Smith.
(b) Miller.
(c) Butler.
(d) Fletcher.

8. How many Shawnee join Byrd's forces to destroy the Colonists?
(a) 80.
(b) 850.
(c) 800.
(d) 8,000.

9. Which family is Kenton staying with in Chapter 5?
(a) The Roosevelts.
(b) The Kennedys.
(c) The Bushs.
(d) The Edgars.

10. Who becomes the new governor of Kentucky?
(a) Daniel Boone.
(b) Simon Kenton.
(c) George Washington.
(d) George Rogers Clarke.

11. What happens to John Wood in Chapter 2?
(a) He is bitten by a dog.
(b) He is bitten by a spider.
(c) He is bitten by a copperhead snake.
(d) He falls off a cliff.

12. Why does Simon hide up a tree?
(a) Indians are after him.
(b) The British are after him.
(c) An angry mob is after him.
(d) He is caught by a buffalo herd.

13. Why is Simon adopted into the Shawnee Tribe?
(a) Because he is brave.
(b) Because he is Simon Girty's blood brother.
(c) Because he is tall.
(d) Because he is a good hunter.

14. How many white men has Tecumseh already killed by age 15?
(a) 4.
(b) 8.
(c) 6.
(d) 10.

15. What does George Strader decide to do in Chapter 2?
(a) Return to civilization.
(b) Join the Indians.
(c) Join the British.
(d) Get revenge against the Indians.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whose life does Simon save by carrying him to a fort, under Indian attack?

2. What is the name of the second girl that Simon becomes enamored by?

3. What town do the Kentucky Colonists retreat to in Chapter 5?

4. What is distinct about the Moravian Indians?

5. Whom does Simon first meet on the road after running away?

(see the answer keys)

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