The Freud Reader Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Freud Reader Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. By Freud's research on the libido, what is he not excluding on the topic?
(a) The desire people have for human contact.
(b) Sexual activity or suggesting intercourse without love.
(c) A mother's love.
(d) Eternal love.

2. What was Freud's daughter's profession?
(a) She was a teacher.
(b) She was a nurse.
(c) She was a therapist.
(d) She progressed the field of psychology like her father.

3. What does Freud deem as DaVinci's characteristic as a painter?
(a) Using only neutral colors.
(b) Using watercolors.
(c) One type of smile.
(d) One type of eye shape.

4. What does Freud frequently write about being connected to incestuous feelings?
(a) Conscious material.
(b) Genetics.
(c) Unconscious material.
(d) Being nurse fed.

5. What does Freud call the term when two diverse psychic attributes drive behavior along different lines?
(a) Double mindedness of double consciousness.
(b) Cycle of psyche.
(c) Spiral of thoughts.
(d) Different reasoning.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Freud's professed religious standpoint?

2. What does Freud say DaVinci bases his students acceptance on?

3. What does Freud say about predominate cases of incestuous activity?

4. What is suggested at the end of "Psycho-Analysis in Culture, Leonardo DaVinci" about society's views of mental health care?

5. Who does Freud try to discern the truth about in "Psycho-Analysis in Culture, Leonardo DaVinci"?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Freud view homosexuality?

2. What does Freud say are complexes?

3. How does Freud define narcissism?

4. What two images of Moses are included in "Psychoanalysis in Culture"?

5. What does Carl Jung write about on Indian men and homosexuality?

6. What does Freud say about homosexuals in relation to woman?

7. According to Freud, what will a therapist usually meet with in the beginning treatments of therapy?

8. When are totem animal's names used?

9. What does Freud say about how a narcissistic person treats his or her body?

10. What does Freud say governs the reality principle?

(see the answer keys)

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