The Freud Reader Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Freud Reader Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does America perceive Freud, according to Freud?
(a) Judged.
(b) Indifferent.
(c) Angered.
(d) Well received.

2. What does Freud suggest often happens during infantile masturbation in childhood development?
(a) A child develops a sexual preference.
(b) A child develops a sexual drive.
(c) A child questions sexuality unconsciously.
(d) A child falls in love with a relative.

3. What does the editor say about the patient's healing in "The Making of Psychoanalysis"?
(a) It shows that physical and mental illness are separate.
(b) It shows you have to fight for it.
(c) It shows she never was sick to begin with.
(d) It shows the temporariness of mental illness.

4. Who did the translations of Freud's work from German to English?
(a) It is unclear who translated the text.
(b) Freud.
(c) Peter Gay.
(d) W. W. Norton and Company Inc.

5. What does Freud say about repressed material in relation to the patient?
(a) It is best to ignore it.
(b) It is best for the therapist to see it first.
(c) It is best to let the patient get near it.
(d) It is best to address it.

Short Answer Questions

1. What term does Freud give that describes people who confuse their fantasies for facts?

2. What does "The Sexual Aberrations" section address?

3. What does Freud include about one's sexual preference?

4. Which is not a section to the introductory material?

5. What does Freud comment on at the end of "The Final Paper"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is specifically difficult about the subject of psychology?

2. Briefly describe the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society.

3. Why had sexuality been rejected prior to finding the cause of neuroses?

4. What are social withdrawals and irritability associated with according to Freud?

5. What are the three sexual preferences Freud discusses in great length and briefly describe them.

6. What does Freud say is the main concern of people's dreams dealing with psycho-therapy?

7. How does Freud describe Charcot?

8. Describe what Freud refers to as periodic depression.

9. What does Freud say happens to children at twelve years old?

10. In what language was Freud's original work written and how might this affect Freud's work?

(see the answer keys)

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