The Freud Reader Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Freud Reader Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Freud define totem?
(a) It is a protected species or subspecies of animals.
(b) It is part of the Native Indian rituals.
(c) It is a ritual.
(d) It is a sacrifice.

2. What sheer coincidence is mentioned in "Psychoanalysis in Culture" about Freud that relates to competitive jealousy?
(a) He was jealous too.
(b) He liked his oldest daughter the best.
(c) He thought this was irrelevant to the subject.
(d) His third and youngest daughter become of especial interest to him.

3. What does this entire book cover?
(a) Homosexuality.
(b) Birth trauma.
(c) The entire scope of Freud's work.
(d) Financial problems.

4. What is suggested at the end of "Psycho-Analysis in Culture, Leonardo DaVinci" about society's views of mental health care?
(a) They think it is wise.
(b) They think it is too expensive.
(c) They like it.
(d) They mock it.

5. What other topic does Freud mention with totem?
(a) Homosexuality.
(b) Incest taboo.
(c) The horror of transference.
(d) Tabu.

6. According to Freud, what type of woman is most likely to withhold information during therapy?
(a) A divorced woman.
(b) A sexually assaulted woman.
(c) An actress.
(d) A woman who is a CEO.

7. What does Freud connect to incestuous feelings?
(a) Everyone has them.
(b) It is hereditary.
(c) They are suppressed emotions.
(d) How an individual learned to love, particularly with their family.

8. What author does Freud mention publishing a four volume work on totem that he used in his own studies?
(a) JA Fraze.
(b) JC Frazier.
(c) Brad Frazier.
(d) JG Frazer.

9. What part of the body is addressed in the two accounts on this Biblical figure?
(a) His heart.
(b) His beard.
(c) His arm.
(d) His eyes.

10. According to Freud, when will a homosexual man tend to have homosexual behavior?
(a) In college.
(b) Early in life.
(c) When they realize they are not attracted to the opposite sex.
(d) Later in life, after repressing their love for their mother.

11. How does Freud describe most homosexual mother's?
(a) Doting and strong.
(b) Obsessive and caring.
(c) Strong and energetic.
(d) Energetic and loving.

12. What does Freud refer to when a person both loves and hates a person, a condition or thing?
(a) Ambivalence.
(b) Bi-polar.
(c) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
(d) Over emotional.

13. According to Freud, how does a narcissistic individual treat his or her body?
(a) With utmost care.
(b) With love and obsession.
(c) They bruise it.
(d) As a sexual object.

14. What is the name of Freud's daughter who is mentioned?
(a) Liz.
(b) Darlene.
(c) Anna.
(d) Jessica.

15. What Biblical figure does Freud give a bizarre and ornate write-up of?
(a) Jesus.
(b) Moses.
(c) Lydia.
(d) Judah.

Short Answer Questions

1. What year was this author's work, "Totemism and Exogamy" published?

2. Which famous painter does Freud NOT mention in "Therapy and Technique"?

3. What does Freud rename the term 'subconscious'?

4. What is the first rule to the psychoanalytic theory?

5. What type of totem does Freud say is highly dangerous to humans?

(see the answer keys)

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