The Freud Reader Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Freud Reader Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to the editor, from what does the current American society suffer?
(a) Lack of perception into what they feel.
(b) Homosexuality.
(c) Obesity.
(d) Anxiety related to recognizing and treating neuroses and hysteria.

2. How does America perceive Freud, according to Freud?
(a) Judged.
(b) Well received.
(c) Angered.
(d) Indifferent.

3. What does Freud suggest often happens during infantile masturbation in childhood development?
(a) A child develops a sexual preference.
(b) A child falls in love with a relative.
(c) A child questions sexuality unconsciously.
(d) A child develops a sexual drive.

4. What will therapists insist upon in a situation like 'Dora'?
(a) Treatment of the whole family.
(b) Stop treatment.
(c) An alternative way of treatment.
(d) To go to the hospital.

5. What is the term for when a child has adoration for his or her parent that is adopted in another member of the opposite sex?
(a) Role reversal.
(b) Separation.
(c) Bisexuality.
(d) Infantile sexuality.

6. What does the editor say about the patient's healing in "The Making of Psychoanalysis"?
(a) It shows that physical and mental illness are separate.
(b) It shows the temporariness of mental illness.
(c) It shows she never was sick to begin with.
(d) It shows you have to fight for it.

7. What does Freud say is a type of mental pathology?
(a) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
(b) Anxiety neuroses.
(c) Transference.
(d) Hallucinations.

8. Why did Freud's mentor make such progress in psychology?
(a) He would test random people for illness.
(b) He would sequence his findings and test them.
(c) He would note every equation he came up with.
(d) He varied his testing methods.

9. What does Freud say about anyone who intends to give therapy?
(a) That they should have similar experiences.
(b) That they should take medication.
(c) That they shouldn't have a mental disruption.
(d) That they should take therapeutic advice.

10. What is 'Dora's' problem?
(a) She is a neurotic.
(b) Her treatment is negatively affecting her home life.
(c) She is a hysteric.
(d) She has an eating disorder.

11. What does Freud not address concerning heredity and sexuality in "The Theory of Sexuality"?
(a) The theory that some are born homosexual as the same built-in heterosexual.
(b) That homosexuality is hereditary.
(c) That heterosexuality is innate.
(d) That homosexuals choose to be so.

12. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic for what Freud terms the 'anal character'?
(a) Obstinate.
(b) Organized.
(c) Parsimonious.
(d) Orderly.

13. In the chapter, "Dreams" what is the main concern dealing with dreams?
(a) That they are correlated with your conscience.
(b) That no one ever remembers them.
(c) That dreams can never be effectively interpreted.
(d) That they tell our biggest fears.

14. What does Freud include about one's sexual preference?
(a) How to prevent inversion.
(b) The meaning of one's adolescent love is a forerunner of their future sexual preference.
(c) How to decipher one's sexual desire.
(d) How to prevent pregnancy.

15. What does Freud want to constantly be reminded of throughout his book?
(a) These are all hypotheses.
(b) Hysterical and neurotic symptoms can be cured.
(c) He tested and proved everything he declares.
(d) The mind and body forever change, so nothing is permanent.

Short Answer Questions

1. The woman who complained about the advice given by her therapist was NOT told to do which of the following?

2. What is the remainder of Freud's research in?

3. Who did the translations of Freud's work from German to English?

4. What did the nicknamed patient repeatedly suffer from in "Character and Anal Eroticism"?

5. How does Freud view the woman's complaint about her therapist's advice?

(see the answer keys)

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