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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Epilogue.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What does Gruwell do the summer of 1996?
(a) Look for a new job.
(b) Teach at National University and go to Europe.
(c) Teach at Cal State.
(d) Work at Nordstrom's and the Marriott.
2. What happens to a student when she runs away with her boyfriend?
(a) She is sent to juvenile hall.
(b) She goes to live with a relative far away from the boyfriend.
(c) She is homeschooled for awhile.
(d) Her parents ground her and transfer her to Wilson High.
3. What do the students do when they walk down the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in the spring of 1997?
(a) Begin singing a freedom song.
(b) Light candles and make speeches about freedom and tolerance.
(c) They join hands and retrace the steps Martin Luther King Jr. walked.
(d) Meet with their local senators.
4. Since war also came to Kosovo, what did almost all young Yugoslavians know?
(a) How to get out of the country.
(b) How to write diaries.
(c) How to protect themselves.
(d) What a bomb sounded like and what it was like to have no home.
5. What amazes a student about the bathrooms at the Century City Marriott?
(a) You have to pay a quarter to use the bathroom.
(b) The bathrooms have real towels, no trash on the floor, and no stall doors missing.
(c) There is an attendant in the bathroom.
(d) There is a bathroom for whites and one for other races.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is Sharaud's goal when he arrives in Gruwell's class?
2. What do the Freedom Writers do after their first year in college?
3. What are two books mentioned in the forward that the students read in class?
4. What incident made Schindler try to save every Jew he could?
5. Why does a student get kicked off the basketball team this senior year?
This section contains 396 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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