The Foxfire Book Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Eliot Wigginton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Foxfire Book Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Eliot Wigginton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Aunt Arie say she will do with the eyes?
(a) Grind them up in the sausage.
(b) Throw them away.
(c) Put them in a soup.
(d) Use them to make jelly.

2. What is crucial when making splits?
(a) Making the splits long enough.
(b) Picking the correct timber.
(c) Making each split even.
(d) Making clean cuts.

3. What are the students responsible for getting when Foxfire is first started?
(a) Subscribers.
(b) Money.
(c) Photos.
(d) Paper.

4. What do the Friendship Quilts typically have stitched on them?
(a) The names of those quilting.
(b) A name for the person whom the quilt would be given.
(c) A verse from the Bible.
(d) The date the quilt was created.

5. Why does Aunt Arie say she never left her home?
(a) She was too scared.
(b) She couldn't stand to leave her home.
(c) She felt as if someone was coming.
(d) This is where her stuff was.

6. What kind of vehicle drives past Mrs. Watts and her family?
(a) A Large Pickup.
(b) An Army Vehicle.
(c) T-Model Ford.
(d) An Old Jalopy.

7. What does Mrs. Harriet Echols say that she used to put in her soap to thicken up the soap?
(a) Pieces of rope.
(b) Soft corn shucks.
(c) Seeds.
(d) Hair.

8. What does Mrs. Watts say her brothers used pine to build?
(a) Wagon.
(b) Bikes.
(c) Bows and Arrows.
(d) Sled.

9. What does the Watt family leave their home to do as described by Mrs. Watts?
(a) Get a new dog.
(b) Go find a doctor.
(c) See a car.
(d) Get supplies from the store.

10. How far does Mrs. Watts say they had to travel to see the car?
(a) Five Miles.
(b) Over the Mountain a far piece.
(c) She was too little to recal how far.
(d) One Mile.

11. How do the authors say they have written down the information on building a log cabin?
(a) As a set of instructions.
(b) As a easily understood story.
(c) With detailed explanations.
(d) As a blue print.

12. What did Mrs. Watts' family use to make coffee?
(a) Peanuts.
(b) Cornmeal.
(c) Chestnuts.
(d) Potatoes.

13. What ailment does Aunt Arie have according to the author?
(a) Blind due to cataracts.
(b) Crazy due to living in the woods alone.
(c) Paralyzed due to stroke.
(d) Deaf due to fever.

14. What does Wigginton say is NOT a primary concern in the magazine?
(a) Heritage.
(b) Proper English.
(c) Historical Facts.
(d) Communication.

15. What does Mrs. Watts say her dolls were made from?
(a) Hay.
(b) Sticks.
(c) Animal Hide.
(d) Animal Bones.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the fireplace once said to have been?

2. What does Aunt Arie say she would put in if she had plenty of money?

3. Why does Beulah say that she has had a possum head cooked for her in her past?

4. What did Dan's father say to do if the limbs on the white oak droop?

5. Hickory was a very desirable wood but what was a drawback of this wood?

(see the answer keys)

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