The Four Loves Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Four Loves Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. The ultimate destination that Lewis mentions in the introduction to his book is which of the following?

2. According to Lewis, a person should constantly be doing which of the following?

3. Lewis writes that human emotion tends to lead people toward doing which of the following?

4. According to Lewis, affection can be felt between two people who:

5. The clergyman whom Lewis encountered and conversed with concerning the validity of statements made by those who believed that their mother country had the most beautiful women and the most heroic men was from which of the following countries?

Short Essay Questions

1. What example does the author provide to illustrate that affection does not need to be earned, but simply felt for the familiar?

2. What does the author allude to as being the determinant for the type of rulers who govern a country?

3. What topic(s) does author C.S. Lewis share with the reader in the opening pages of his book that relate to his personal experience about writing a book focused on love?

4. Describe "need pleasure" as described by the author.

5. What term does the author use to describe the event in which love is allowed to grow too far out of bounds, and problems arise that ultimately result in the takeover of a person's life?

6. Why, based on the author's assertions, do people not want foreigners to take over the governance of their country?

7. What does the author clarify adult feelings for "need love" to be?

8. What are the four types of love that the author mentions in relation to the forthcoming focus of his book?

9. What does the author use to amend to the list of favorable attributes relating to affection?

10. How does the author explain that people go about putting themselves and their home country in the best possible light?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Somewhere along the way, as he explains the joy and pitfalls associated with love, does the author deliver an underlying message to love ourselves? Does he tend to direct us toward protection by guiding the reader toward charity? Does his exhibition of protection toward us (whom he did not know or meet) serve as an expression of his love and compassion for mankind, and ultimately serve as his expression of charity? Write an essay focusing your thoughts and writings on the message that you receive from Lewis' last chapter, and the aforementioned questions.

Essay Topic 2

C.S. Lewis writes about patriotism, describing it as a type of love (affection) for one's country, and suggests that countrymen tend to claim that only their country has the most beautiful women and the bravest men. He also states that countrymen tend to not to want to talk about unfavorable occurrences in their nation's history, while reserving their talk to tell the heroic tales of their country. Write an essay focusing on the things that Lewis describes can go wrong when a country's citizenry "puff up" their nation's history to put it in a better light. As an addendum to this assignment, write a description of the United States as you know it, and mention a couple of United States historical facts that you would like for a visitor to the United States to know about the U.S.A.

Essay Topic 3

Lewis stops short of the last chapter, but throughout the chapters preceding the last, he carries a couple of common messages that he does not want the reader to miss. One of them is that all types of love are capable of becoming all-consuming if allowed to do so by devoting a lot of time and energy toward preserving it. However, with respect to charity, the author seems to encourage the opposite: spending a lot of time pursuing it and engaging in it. Write an essay stating whether the author spends too much time focusing on the negative aspects of human love as we have been conditioned to know and accept during our lifetimes (i.e. it will not last, that it is directed at specific individuals only), and in contrast, spends a considerable amount of time encouraging the pursuit of and involvement in charity.

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