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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Which of the following can be correlated to patriotism?
2. What topic does Lewis focus on at the opening of the introduction to his book?
3. When people ask for God's intervention and forgiveness, Lewis notes, they are exemplifying which type of love?
4. Lewis writes that which of the following can be considered equal to appreciative love?
5. Lewis cites that which of the following can be deemed heroic?
Short Essay Questions
1. What are the two categories that the author divides all love types into as he begins his discussion on the subject of love?
2. What does the author write in relation to how a person treats affection in his/her life?
3. How is disinterest in what is "need pleasure" for others illustrated in a heroic light by the author in the "Likings and Loves for the Sub-Human" section of his book?
4. What is one way that the author exemplifies "need love"?
5. What example does the author provide to illustrate that affection does not need to be earned, but simply felt for the familiar?
6. What types of affectionate pairings does the author mention are capable of occurring?
7. What does the author use to amend to the list of favorable attributes relating to affection?
8. How does the author explain that people go about putting themselves and their home country in the best possible light?
9. Describe the observations that author C.S. Lewis offers in relation to the words, "like" and "love" as he notes that he will begin his discussion of love, "at the very bottom of love--like" in the section of his book subtitled, "Likings and Loves for the Sub-Human."
10. How does author C.S. Lewis describe affection?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
"Eros" is the state of being in love, according to Lewis. He describes how sexuality plays a role in the love that exists between a man and a woman, but ultimately focuses on spending an inordinate amount of time explaining why one should not let that type of love consume him/her. Write an essay on whether you agree or disagree with Lewis' description of Eros as noted above, and also elaborate on whether the author is directing the reader toward his way of thinking in terms of placing emphasis on the inability to have time to focus on God if one gets involved in an Eros love type relationship.
Essay Topic 2
Author Lewis places charity above all the other loves that he describes in his book. Do you agree with his assertion that charity is the ultimate type of love to pursue and possess? Do you disagree? Why or why not? Write an essay elaborating on the aforementioned observations and questions that have been raised as you have been reading and studying The Four Loves by C.S. Lewis.
Essay Topic 3
Friendship and affection, according to Lewis, are not connected, but rather are separate emotions. Write an essay explaining what you understand Lewis is referring to in relation to friendship and affection being separate emotions, and elaborate on whether you agree or disagree with Lewis on that point. Support your position with direct text or paraphrase.
This section contains 943 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |