The Four Loves Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Four Loves Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the key to having friends, according to Lewis?
(a) Cultivating acquaintances into friendships.
(b) Being approachable in public places.
(c) Sharing a common thing.
(d) Being trustworthy.

2. Lewis points out friendships that exist between friends of the same sex, which can be deemed as which of the following?
(a) Repetitious.
(b) Theoretical.
(c) Inconclusive.
(d) Valid.

3. Lewis states that which of the following must be applied to Eros?
(a) He must not be taken seriously.
(b) He must be ruled.
(c) He must me taken seriously.
(d) He must be obeyed.

4. According to Lewis, which of the following methods is used to attempt to bring those falling into bad habits back into the fold?
(a) Reverse psychology.
(b) Immersion.
(c) Evaluation.
(d) VIctorian appeal.

5. A man may seek out friends as a means to fill his need for friends, but also to accomplish which of the following, according to Lewis?
(a) To hone his ability to form friendship(s).
(b) To rebel against the woman's control.
(c) To find friends who may befriend both him and his spouse or significant other.
(d) To be able to make his own choices in the selection of friends.

6. Lewis cites that friendship expects which of the following in return for help?
(a) Loyalty.
(b) Nothing in return.
(c) Hourly pay.
(d) Reciprocal assistance.

7. A major difference between friends and lovers is which of the following, according to Lewis?
(a) The quest for privacy.
(b) The quest for trust.
(c) The quest for security.
(d) The quest for total acceptance.

8. Lewis notes that Eros will demand which of the following?
(a) Attention.
(b) Care.
(c) Loyalty.
(d) Worship.

9. Lewis cites that when men in a certain neighborhood have been well-educated and become white-collar professionals, why might they view women as being child-like?
(a) Because they deem the women not to be in their socio-economic class.
(b) Because of the manner in which the women tend to complain and whine around them.
(c) Because they are too selective.
(d) Because they are not similarly educated.

10. Lewis points out that it is satisfying to know that your lover can be friends with which of the following?
(a) Your family members.
(b) Your parents.
(c) Your former spouse.
(d) Your friends.

11. During the Romantic period, according to Lewis, people turned their attention away from friendship, and toward which of the following?
(a) Philosophy.
(b) Nature.
(c) Religion.
(d) Family.

12. According to Lewis, what is the reason that people are tempted to overstep the bounds of affection?
(a) Simply because they are insecure.
(b) Simply because they are selfish.
(c) Simply because they are people.
(d) Simply because they are affectionate.

13. Which of the following labels does Lewis use in referring to the human body?
(a) "Vehicle of Life."
(b) "Vehicle of Creation."
(c) "Vehicle of Embodiment"
(d) "Vehicle of the Blessed Sacrament."

14. Lewis notes that in prior times, having friendships appeared to raise a person to which of the following?
(a) "Level of immense popularity in the community."
(b) "High level of reverence and respect."
(c) "Level of high authority."
(d) "Level of gods or angels."

15. Which of the following is the single element that Lewis mentions to be instrumental in helping an individual find sufficient strength to stand up before the masses for his/her belief(s)?
(a) Psychological counseling.
(b) Strength of family behind them.
(c) Strength of friends behind them.
(d) Hypnosis.

Short Answer Questions

1. A person's affection for animals, Lewis asserts, tends to drain which of the following?

2. While discussing Eros, which of the following is Lewis certain to NOT include in his discussion?

3. According to Lewis' story illustrating perversion, which of the following can occur if an individual tends to every need that is perceived in relation to their object of affection?

4. Lewis states that "a person who spends time spoiling a dog" doesn't have time to do which of the following?

5. Lewis notes that people are more natural when in which of the following states?

(see the answer keys)

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