The Foundations of Buddhism Chapter Abstracts for Teachers

Rupert Gethin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Foundations of Buddhism Chapter Abstracts for Teachers

Rupert Gethin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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• Buddhism covers a large number of sub-religions and a long religious and philosophical tradition that is two and a half millennia old.

• It has included the largest parts of Asia, Afghanistan, parts of Persia to Japan, to Sumatra and Java and Mongolia and Russia.
• Today Buddhism can be divided into three traditions.

• The Theravada tradition of Sri Lanka and South-East Asia, or "Southern" Buddhism.

• The Mahayana Buddhism or "Eastern Buddhism," the tradition found in China, Korea, Japan and Vietnam.

• Tibetan Buddhism, sometimes called "Northern" Buddhism, is closer to Mahayana but is actually a form of Tantric Buddhism.
• All three traditions maintain connections to ancient Buddhism

• This volume is intended to introduce the reader with no knowledge of Buddhism to this tradition without totally separating the three traditions; instead, it looks for what is common between these traditions.

• This book is scholastically distinct in its exposition of Buddhist...

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