The Fortune of War Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Fortune of War Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What famous joke of Aubrey's does Aubrey perpetuate on Maturin?
(a) The Davy Jones' locker joke.
(b) The albatross joke.
(c) The parrot joke.
(d) The weevil joke.

2. Why is the La Flèche abandoned?
(a) It has been captured.
(b) A couple sailors have the plague.
(c) It is overrun by rats.
(d) It is on fire.

3. Where is Aubrey to recover?
(a) Aboard the Constitution.
(b) Asclepia, a sanitorium run by Evans' relative Dr. Choate.
(c) In prison in Boston.
(d) In the Naval hospital.

4. Who rescues Aubrey from making a serious faux pas?
(a) The ship's steward.
(b) The cabin boy.
(c) The second mate.
(d) Aubrey.

5. What is Maturin carrying when his turn at bat arrives?
(a) A flechette.
(b) A hurley.
(c) A pen.
(d) A sword.

Short Answer Questions

1. What news depresses Aubrey?

2. How experienced is Maturin in cricket?

3. Who expresses admiration for Aubrey's exploits and tenacity?

4. What does the vessel turn out to be?

5. What is in the Java's favor?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is Mrs. Wogan and how does she figure in the previous novel, which is mentioned in the initial chapters of this novel?

2. What are a couple other playful tongue-in-cheek type discussions that firmly entrench the fun tone of the novel?

3. Do you think it would be difficult for the men to stay optimistic if after spotting a ship but they do not see you?

4. What does Maturin learn that explains the Navy's treatment of Aubrey?

5. Why do you think the USS Constitution leads the Java on a long chase to sea?

6. Why do you think the sailors on board La Flèche do not take the war with the United States very seriously?

7. What are some events that foreshadow the loss of the La Flèche at the end of Chapter 2?

8. Why do you think Aubrey argues so strenuously to retain his lieutenants and midshipmen?

9. Do you think it is helpful for the author to present some background information from other books in the series, particularly the one just preceding this one?

10. What do you think it means that Raikes' body was gnawed upon and do you think that is acceptable?

(see the answer keys)

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