The Fortune of War Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Fortune of War Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does what the Leopard men do help the Java?
(a) It relieves some marines for small-arms work in the fighting tops.
(b) They can concentrate on long-distance warfare.
(c) They are not just dead weight.
(d) They free up Java's men to board the Constitution.

2. What is going to happen to the Leopard's crew?
(a) The Admiral has not yet decided.
(b) They will sail back to England and be assigned to other ships.
(c) They will stay with the Leopard.
(d) They will be disbursed among the Admiral's other ships.

3. What happens the first time they sight a vessel?
(a) They try to catch it by rowing.
(b) They almost collide with it but they don't see the small boat in the fog.
(c) They hail it but it ignore them.
(d) They try not to be seen since it is an American vessel.

4. What is going to happen to the Leopard?
(a) It is being converted to a transport.
(b) It is being refitted with larger canons.
(c) It is being sold to a private merchant.
(d) It is being scuttled.

5. Who does Aubrey call upon when he goes ashore?
(a) The Governor.
(b) The Admiral.
(c) The main Tribal Chief.
(d) His best friend's wife.

6. Who have all taken passage in the same boat?
(a) The two doctors.
(b) All the ship's officers.
(c) All the bosun crew.
(d) The old crewmates from Leopard.

7. What does Maturin realize?
(a) That Wogan is in Boston.
(b) That Aubrey is in grave danger.
(c) That Wogan believes the false papers to have originated with Aubrey
(d) That Aubrey is still in danger of dying.

8. What is in the Java's favor?
(a) The Java holds many, many more men than Constitution.
(b) The Java has larger guns.
(c) The Java has two extra sails.
(d) Aubrey is on board the Java.

9. What helps the dehydration a little?
(a) Distilling a tiny bit of salt water.
(b) Eating raw fish.
(c) Nothing.
(d) A heavy rain.

10. What do the sailors believe when they encounter a vessel?
(a) It is a merchant vessel.
(b) It is a friendly vessel at an appointed rendezvous.
(c) It is from Brazil.
(d) It is a French frigate.

11. What are in the letters to Sophie?
(a) Aubrey's thoughts and reports of many current events.
(b) Questions about his new son.
(c) Questions about news at home.
(d) Information about Aubrey's upcoming assignment.

12. Who is Pontet-Canet?
(a) The steward of the Constitution.
(b) One of the main commanders in the French and Indian wars.
(c) A French officer on board the Constitutioni.
(d) A Frenchman Maturin has seen before.

13. Why does the Leopard make quite a stir when entering the port?
(a) She was thought to be long lost at sea.
(b) She is flying Dutch colors.
(c) She is the first English colors seen there in years.
(d) She is listing badly to starboard.

14. What do Aubrey and the Leopard crew volunteer to do?
(a) Serve on the boarding crew.
(b) Guard the diplomat and his retinue.
(c) Serve the forward gun battery.
(d) Man the rigging.

15. What does Evans present to Maturin for Aubrey?
(a) A ascot.
(b) A collection.
(c) Aubrey's sword.
(d) A pin for valor.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who expresses admiration for Aubrey's exploits and tenacity?

2. How does Maturin almost make a serious faux pas?

3. What good news does the Captain offer Aubrey?

4. What war do they learn has erupted?

5. What does Captain Lambert decide to do?

(see the answer keys)

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