The Forgotten Soldier Test | Final Test - Medium

Guy Sajer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Forgotten Soldier Test | Final Test - Medium

Guy Sajer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where was the boat Sajer and his troop boarded on April 1, 1945 headed for?
(a) Denmark.
(b) Germany.
(c) France.
(d) England.

2. What took precedence in the evacuation by sea of Memel?
(a) Civilians.
(b) War prisoners.
(c) Officiers.
(d) Nazi Party members.

3. Which of Sajer's friends returned to active duty in Part 3 Chapter 7?
(a) Hals and Lensen.
(b) Lindberg and Lensen.
(c) Hals and Lindberg
(d) Hals, Lindberg and Lensen.

4. What was Sajer's fever probably induced by?
(a) The flu.
(b) Gangrene.
(c) Malaria.
(d) Lack of food.

5. What does Sajer note about the German forces in Part 5 Chapter 16?
(a) They received the new MP-44 rifle.
(b) They received the new King Panther.
(c) All German forces were driven out of Russia.
(d) They effectively lost control of the sky.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much does Sajer say his unit was outnumbered by in Part 4 Chapter 12?

2. How does Sajer say the military police saw the soldiers coming from the other side of the Dnieper?

3. Why were Sajer and the other soldiers on leave told to go back to the front?

4. What did the German army do on the West bank of the Dnieper?

5. What memory did Sajer keep of his fever fueled retreat?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Sajer fare while leading a blocking squad?

2. What does Sajer say happened to the German army at the start of Part 5 - The End and Epilogue?

3. What happened to the German army that was crossing the Dnieper River according to Part 4 -To The West?

4. What happened to Hals persona life in Part 3 - The Retreat ?

5. What happened when the Germany army crossed the Dnieper River according to Sajer?

6. How was Sajer able to avoid being a prisoner of war after being captured by the British Army?

7. Who commanded Sajer's unit and where were they transported to resupply?

8. What was the state of the Gross Deutschland division in Part 3- The Retreat, and how was it being used?

9. What type of unit were the blocking squads?

10. How long did Sajer spend in the hospital according to Part 4 -To The West?

(see the answer keys)

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