The Forgotten Soldier Test | Final Test - Medium

Guy Sajer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Forgotten Soldier Test | Final Test - Medium

Guy Sajer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long of a leave was granted to Sajer after his stay at the hospital near Vinnitsa?
(a) 20 days.
(b) 10 days.
(c) 30 days.
(d) 40 days.

2. Why did the captain of the boat Sajer and his troop were on depart prematurely in Part 5 Chapter 18?
(a) Because of the British navy.
(b) Because of an air attack.
(c) Because of a Russian submarine.
(d) Because of Russian partisans.

3. How does Sajer say Russian propaganda was delivered to German troops?
(a) Loudspeakers.
(b) In letters.
(c) Planes.
(d) On dummy bombs.

4. What does Sajer say Wesreidau did while waiting to cross the river?
(a) Wrote letters to his wife.
(b) Reorganized his command.
(c) Deserted.
(d) Committed suicide.

5. What did the German army do on the West bank of the Dnieper?
(a) Laid land mines.
(b) Stored 1200 tanks.
(c) Formally evacuated its troops.
(d) Built a defensive position.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Sajer and his unit discover in the village they were in charge of securing in Part 3 Chapter 7?

2. Who did Hals meet during the time his unit stayed in one place in Part 3 Chapter 7?

3. Who commanded Sajer's unit as they were resupplied in Part 5 Chapter 16?

4. How long did the crossing of the Dnieper take according to Sajer?

5. What did Sajer's regiment discover after securing the town in Part 3 Chapter 8?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Sajer finally rejoin the front line after his firefight in the factory?

2. What was Sajer given after his hospital stay and why was it taken away?

3. How does Sajer describe his new commanding officer, Captain Wesreidau?

4. How did Sajer and his companions escape Memel?

5. Who were the partisans Sajer fought in Part 4 -To The West on his way to relieve a besieged outpost and what happened to them?

6. How did Lensen die?

7. Where did the replacement soldiers assigned to Sajer's regiment in Part 4 -To The West come from?

8. How was Gotenhafen evacuated and was Sajer able to evacuate before the rest of the German armed forces?

9. What was the state of the Gross Deutschland division in Part 3- The Retreat, and how was it being used?

10. How long did Sajer spend in the hospital according to Part 4 -To The West?

(see the answer keys)

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