The Forgotten Soldier Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Guy Sajer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Forgotten Soldier Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Guy Sajer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Sajer describe the weather on October 30 in the Prologue?
(a) Sunny and warm.
(b) Cloudy and warm.
(c) Cloudy and cold.
(d) Raining and cold.

2. What was Guy Sajer's unit part of?
(a) The 9th Rollbahn.
(b) The 29th Rollbahn.
(c) The 19th Rollbahn.
(d) The 19th Deutschland.

3. What does Sajer say he didn't know in Part 2 Chapter 4?
(a) Who was Paula.
(b) How to fire a weapon.
(c) Why he was drafted.
(d) Who was bombing Germany.

4. Where did Guy Sajer go after leaving Chemnitz prior to his arrival in Bialystok?
(a) Warsaw and Bonn.
(b) Warsaw and Marki.
(c) Dresden and Warsaw.
(d) Berlin and Bonn.

5. What was the name of the camp that Sajer trained at in Part 2 Chapter 5?
(a) Camp G.
(b) Camp B.
(c) Camp F.
(d) Camp Z.

Short Answer Questions

1. What Company was Sajer's group part of in Part 2 Chapter 6?

2. What did the occupants of the train Sajer saw heading west in Part 1 Chapter 1 use to deflect the wind from their train car?

3. What did Sajer do during the week and a half he spent in Berlin?

4. Who won the knife fight Sajer mentioned happening during the German counter-thrust in Part 2 Chapter 6?

5. When did Guy Sajer arrive in Chemnitz?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Sajer say Russian prisoners were transported back to the prisoner's camp?

2. What does Sajer say happened during his first firefight?

3. Who came to see Sajer during his leave and what did that person bring?

4. What example does Sajer give to the German military superiority in Part 1- Russia??

5. Why was Sajer proud of his uniform in the Author's Preface and Prologue?

6. Who did Sajer drive with during the German retreat from the Don River and what happened to that person?

7. What does Sajer say of commanding officer, Captain Fink?

8. What food does Sajer say he and his unit were given before departing for Poland?

9. What did Sajer decide to do with his leave pass?

10. Where does Sajer say he and his unit went after Warsaw?

(see the answer keys)

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