The Forever War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Forever War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mandella want to use to detonate the stasis field?
(a) Nova bombs
(b) Grenades
(c) Hydrogen bombs
(d) Nuclear bombs

2. What is the Second Field Officer's name?
(a) Masaryk
(b) Hilleboe
(c) Charlie Moore
(d) Karel Capek

3. Where do Marygay and Mandella meet before they embark on their trip?
(a) Long Island
(b) South Dakota
(c) Camp David
(d) Ellis Island

4. Where do Marygay's parents live?
(a) California
(b) Arizona
(c) South Dakota
(d) New York

5. Why does Mandella not put a stop to the alcohol?
(a) It is good for morale.
(b) The cooks blackmails him.
(c) He wants to forfeit the mission.
(d) He needs alcohol himself.

6. Which member of Mandella's family is now dead?
(a) His cousin
(b) His father
(c) His sister
(d) His brother

7. Why does Mandella order his troops to the surface?
(a) The Taurans know their positon
(b) There is about to be an earthquake
(c) They find a bomb
(d) There is no air

8. Who appears after a year on Sade-138?
(a) Captain Cortez
(b) Marygay
(c) The president
(d) The Taurans

9. On what planet do Mandella and Marygay end up living?
(a) Middle Finger
(b) Hetro Lite
(c) Cross and Arrow
(d) Little Finger

10. What section of the newspaper does Mandella try to find?
(a) Jobs wanted
(b) Apartments for rent
(c) Help wanted
(d) Obituaries

11. What planet is Mandella's brother living on?
(a) Terra
(b) Saturn
(c) Luna
(d) Charon

12. Where do Mandella and Marygay ride their bicycles to?
(a) The commune recreation center
(b) The town center
(c) The airport
(d) A local bar

13. What is someone considered to be if they turn down staying in the army?
(a) Psychopathic
(b) Sociopathic
(c) A dissenter
(d) Stupid

14. When did the company expect the Taurans to attack?
(a) On Christmas day
(b) When they were building the base
(c) On their first day
(d) When they were asleep

15. Who does Mandella think killed Graubard?
(a) Diana
(b) Lauren
(c) Charlie
(d) James

Short Answer Questions

1. Who lies in the bed opposite Mandella?

2. What is Mandella's new nickname?

3. What does Mandella almost get hit by?

4. What is Mandella's mother's priority rating?

5. What does Mandella realize that every one of his soldiers is?

(see the answer keys)

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