The Flight of Red Bird: The Life of Zitkala-Sa Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Doreen Rappaport
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Flight of Red Bird: The Life of Zitkala-Sa Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Doreen Rappaport
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Flight of Red Bird: The Life of Zitkala-Sa Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Uintah Reservation 1903 to 1916: Mrs. And Mrs. Raymond Bonnin.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Zitkala-Sa's separate herself from the Ute Indians?
(a) There were tribal differences.
(b) She still wanted things like books and music.
(c) She did not practice their religion.
(d) She did not speak their language.

2. Who was the young man who became engaged to Gertrude when she returned to Pennsylvania in 1897?
(a) Thomas Marshall.
(b) Thomas Mulgrove.
(c) Thomas Miller.
(d) Thomas Martin.

3. A popular topic for Gertrude's speeches was __________________.
(a) Female equality.
(b) Indian rights.
(c) Healthcare.
(d) Religion.

4. What did Raymond want the government to give to the Utes?
(a) Buffalo for the land they took.
(b) Food for the land they took.
(c) Money for the land they took.
(d) Housing for the land they took.

5. What did the Federal agents do to force the Indians to give up their children?
(a) Withheld their food rations.
(b) Burned their villages.
(c) Withheld money.
(d) Raped the women.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the only way the staff could cut Gertrude's hair?

2. The U.S. government forced Tate to send David to _____________________.

3. What did Tate say when Gertrude decided to go to the boarding school?

4. What did Gertrude and her friends do that the headmistress did not want them to do?

5. Which of the following is NOT something the girls did at the boarding school?

(see the answer key)

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