The First Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The First Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long had Malan and Jacques been friends?
(a) 40 years.
(b) 20 years.
(c) 5 years.
(d) 10 years.

2. Who was standing in the corridor of the Saint-Brieuc train 40 years after Henri and Lucie had their child?
(a) A priest.
(b) A man.
(c) A soldier.
(d) The Arab.

3. What was the baby like?
(a) It was a sturdy boy.
(b) It was a sickly boy.
(c) It was a sturdy girl.
(d) It was a sickly girl.

4. What aura did the man emanate?
(a) One of competence and vigor.
(b) One of intrigue.
(c) One of menace.
(d) One of insecurity.

5. How did Jacques' mother seem as she gazed out the window?
(a) Melancholy.
(b) Happy.
(c) Content.
(d) Anxious.

6. Why did the women laugh when the doctor arrived?
(a) The baby was already born.
(b) They thought he was a fool.
(c) He looked like a drowned rat.
(d) He was joking with them.

7. How did the man react to all the waiting he had to do in his travels?
(a) He became depressed.
(b) It made him angry, and he started yelling at the others in line.
(c) He demanded to talk with the manager.
(d) He was patient.

8. What token did Lucie receive from the war?
(a) Her husband's boots.
(b) A shell fragment from her husband's skull.
(c) A medal.
(d) Her husband's uniform.

9. How did Henri feel about some of the actions he saw in the war?
(a) He was disgusted but not surprised.
(b) He accepted the actions as something soldiers must do.
(c) He was horrified and said no man would act like that.
(d) He thought the enemy deserved all they got.

10. What did Lucie do in the evenings when Etienne wasn't there?
(a) She lies down doing nothing.
(b) She called her family members on the phone.
(c) She read.
(d) She knitted a blanket.

11. What does Malan think about Henri's early death?
(a) He is sad when thinking about the joys in life that Henri missed.
(b) He thinks he was spared suffering.
(c) He thinks it's tragic.
(d) He thinks that's what one deserves when he goes off to war.

12. How were Jacques and his father similar?
(a) They both were farmers.
(b) Jacques looked like his father.
(c) They were both soldiers.
(d) They both loved art.

13. How did the wife respond to her pain.
(a) She screamed.
(b) She ignored it.
(c) She tried not to show it.
(d) She wouldn't stop complaining.

14. What was the population like around their new home?
(a) It was a friendly neighborhood where families stayed outside in the evenings to talk.
(b) There were a few people, but the people shunned them.
(c) It was a city.
(d) There weren't many people.

15. What was Victor Malan's job?
(a) Caretaker.
(b) Customs administration.
(c) Tailor.
(d) Teacher.

Short Answer Questions

1. What part of the cemetery did the traveler specifically go to?

2. How did Jacques feel about his father?

3. What did the children do in their meeting place?

4. Who had the most influence in Jacques' childhood?

5. How old is Malan?

(see the answer keys)

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