The Fires of Heaven Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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The Fires of Heaven Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Aviendha feel about the Maidens' assumption?
(a) She is ashamed.
(b) She is amused.
(c) She is incensed.
(d) She agrees with them.

2. How does Elayne impress Luca?
(a) Riding a horse bareback standing up.
(b) Walking the tightrope with the One Power.
(c) Offering him lots of money.
(d) Riding an elephant standing up.

3. What is encrusted with gems?
(a) The dragon bracelet.
(b) A mail jacket.
(c) The dagger set.
(d) The sword of Laman.

4. Why do the Wise Ones command Aviendha to sleep in Rand's room?
(a) To teach Rand.
(b) To seduce him into marriage.
(c) To protect Rand.
(d) To learn of his intentions.

5. Where does Nynaeve say she is going?
(a) Andor.
(b) Salidar.
(c) Tear.
(d) Tanchico.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who stops Nynaeve, Elayne, Juilin, and Thom on the border of Amadicia?

2. Whose attention does Mat attract as he is gambling?

3. What is Elayne pretending to be?

4. What does Elaida say is the most important task to accomplish?

5. What is Nynaeve posing as?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens when Nynaeve, Elayne, Juilin and Thom ride out of Tarabon?

2. What do Siuan, Leane and the Aes Sedai discuss after they are satisfied they are speaking with Siuan and Leane?

3. Why are the Maidens of the Shield carrying dolls?

4. Who does Rand meet when he returns to his quarters and what does she want?

5. What does Elaida learn as she meets with her inner circle of advisers?

6. How does Egwene and Nynaeve obtain information about Elaida's actions?

7. What do the readers learn about the forsaken in the Prologue?

8. What disguises have Elayne, Nynaeve, Juilin and Thom adopted and who does it seem to fool?

9. What is the sickness that has overcome many of the Aiel?

10. What does Aviendha give Rand and what is the history of the gift?

(see the answer keys)

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