The Fire This Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jesmyn Ward
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Fire This Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jesmyn Ward
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What landmark could the author of "The Weight" see outside of the interns' office window?
(a) Times Square.
(b) The Brooklyn Bridge.
(c) The Manhattan Bridge.
(d) The Golden Gate Bridge.

2. In what city was an eighteenth century gravesite discovered that contained 13 people of African ancestry?
(a) Worcester, Massachusetts.
(b) Providence, Rhode Island.
(c) Hartford, Connecticut.
(d) Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

3. What topic is NOT listed among the issues that the author of "Lonely in America" feels unable to fixate upon in order to dispel her sense of loneliness?
(a) The failures of the federal government.
(b) Friendship.
(c) Racism.
(d) Poverty.

4. In what location did Granddaddy die within Kima Jones's poem "Homegoing, A.D."?
(a) On the porch.
(b) In the bathtub.
(c) In his bed.
(d) In the backyard.

5. What object does the speaker of the poem "Homegoing, AD" by Kima Jones smell that lets her know they are close to their destination?
(a) The magnolia tree.
(b) The popping corn.
(c) The sea air.
(d) The paper mill.

Short Answer Questions

1. The author of "White Rage" states that while before the Great Recession, white Americans had four times more wealth than black Americans, by 2010 the gap had increased to how many times?

2. In what state was Trayvon Martin killed by a police officer?

3. In what year did Phillis Wheatley sail to London for a six week period in order to promote her poetry?

4. What emotion does Jesmyn Ward say is directed toward her by the majority of Americans and has become her dark twin?

5. What is the name of the college that the author of "'The Dear Pledges of Our Love'": A Defense of Phillis Wheatley's Husband" attended within a rural Alabama town?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Jesmyn Ward list among the issues with which black people in America are exhausted?

2. What stories and experiences does Jesmyn Ward provide to the reader in order to demonstrate the depth of her identification with the black identity?

3. What emotion does Jesmyn Ward say that she feels upon looking at all of the works within The Fire This Time and why?

4. What connection does Carol Anderson make between the Great Recession and the plight of modern African-Americans?

5. In what ways does the author of "The Dear Pledges of Our Love: A Defense of Phillis Wheatley's Husband" demonstrate how difficult it can be to extricate oneself from the biases present within the American culture's views of black people?

6. How does the author of "Where Do We Go from Here" evoke feelings of hope in the reader at the end of her essay?

7. At the time of Rachel Kaadzi Ghansah's visit to Nice, how had her relationship with money recently changed?

8. What is Wendy S. Walters's central goal within the narrative of her memoir "Lonely in America" and from what source does she draw the idea for this goal?

9. What religion is being referenced in the conversation in Kima Jones's poem "Homegoing, A.D." and what details are included that lead to this conclusion?

10. How does Carol Anderson refute the idea that the Brown vs. Board of Education decision was a complete triumph for black advancement in America?

(see the answer keys)

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