The Fire This Time Test | Final Test - Easy

Jesmyn Ward
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Fire This Time Test | Final Test - Easy

Jesmyn Ward
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the author of "The Condition of Black Life is One of Mourning" characterize the attempt by some white people to amend the language of the Black Lives Matter movement to All Lives Matter?
(a) Subliminal racism.
(b) Ethnocentrism personified.
(c) Unintentional ignorance.
(d) Centralizing whiteness.

2. To begin the essay "The Condition of Black Life is One of Mourning," Claudia Rankine relates a story about a friend of hers who had just given birth to a baby boy and whose first thought upon his birth was how she could get him out of the country. This thought occurred to her even before she had performed what two actions?
(a) Checked out of the hospital or brought him home.
(b) Painted the nursery or weaned him.
(c) Potty trained him or weaned him.
(d) Named him or nursed him.

3. The series of Know Your Rights murals were placed in all of New York City's burroughs, with the exception of which burrough?
(a) The Bronx.
(b) Brooklyn.
(c) Staten Island.
(d) Queens.

4. After what meal did Kiese Laymon's grandmother make him take a teaspoon of cod liver oil whenever he stayed with her?
(a) Brunch.
(b) Lunch.
(c) Breakfast.
(d) Dinner.

5. To what danger is the author of the essay "Black and Blue" referring when he writes, "The streets had their own safety. Unlike at home, there I could be myself without fear of bodily harm" (130)?
(a) His brother's physical abuse.
(b) His grandmother's physical abuse.
(c) His stepfather's physical abuse.
(d) His mother's physical abuse.

6. For how many years had The High Bridge been inactive before reopening again just before Emily Raboteau and her family took a walk across it?
(a) Thirty-plus.
(b) Fifty-plus.
(c) Forty-plus.
(d) Twenty-plus.

7. Kevin Young begins his essay "Blacker Than Thou" by discussing which movie in which Steve Martin plays the lead role?
(a) Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.
(b) The Pink Panther.
(c) The Jerk.
(d) The Three Amigos.

8. When Kevin Young states that being black is not a feeling and is not "simply a state of mind" (109), what does he say blackness is instead?
(a) A way of believing.
(b) A way of being.
(c) A way of living.
(d) A way of acting.

9. How many men does Mitchell Jackson name as belonging to his group of father figures?
(a) Six.
(b) Four.
(c) Five.
(d) Seven.

10. At what type of factory did Kiese Laymon's grandmother work for 30 years?
(a) A lumber mill.
(b) A watchmaking factory.
(c) A chicken plant.
(d) A candy factory.

11. Kiese Laymon reports that it "was only after listening to ATLliens" that he realized where he needed to go as a human being and an artist. What did he decide he needed to do?
(a) Be an emcee.
(b) Write fiction.
(c) Write memoirs.
(d) Make music.

12. What does Kevin Young say in his essay "Blacker Than Thou" that "you have to do...with white people from time to time" (105)?
(a) Let them win.
(b) Wake them up.
(c) Humor them.
(d) Throw them a bone.

13. In what country did Rachel Dolezal falsely claim to have lived?
(a) Nigeria.
(b) Zimbabwe.
(c) Jordan.
(d) South Africa.

14. When discussing the murders at Emanuel Methodist Church, the author of "The Condition of Black Life is One of Mourning" states, "But Dylann Storm Roof did not create himself from" (146) what element?
(a) From nothing.
(b) From God's image.
(c) From a place of understanding.
(d) From the foundation of a strong upbringing.

15. What is the term used for a person's ability to be regarded as belonging to a different race, culture, or group different from their own?
(a) Tracking.
(b) Slinging.
(c) Joining.
(d) Passing.

Short Answer Questions

1. To which book of the Bible does the OutKast song "Da Art of Storytellin' (Pt. 2)" refer?

2. For the completion of what task did Kiese Laymon's grandmother used to stay up late on Saturday nights?

3. What belief did Kiese Laymon's grandmother hold that he points to as the only reason he is alive?

4. How many of Mitchell Jackson's father figures were biologically related to him?

5. What tragic event had occurred the week before Emily Raboteau took her family on a walk over The High Bridge?

(see the answer keys)

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