The Fire This Time Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Jesmyn Ward
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Fire This Time Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Jesmyn Ward
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part II, Reckoning: "Black and Blue"; "The Condition of Black Life is One of Mourning"; "Know Your Rights!"; "Composite Pops".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What song did President Barack Obama sing at the funeral for those killed in the Emanuel Mother Church massacre?
(a) Amazing Grace.
(b) Ave Maria.
(c) Swing Low, Sweet Chariot.
(d) My Country 'Tis of Thee.

2. How many years elapsed between the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama and the shootings at the Emanuel Methodist Church in Charleston, South Carolina?
(a) 52.
(b) 41.
(c) 36.
(d) 64.

3. What two reptiles are the source of the danger during the final scene of Kima Jones's prose poem "Homegoing, A.D."?
(a) Copperhead snakes and alligators.
(b) Brown rattlesnakes and chameleons.
(c) Crocodiles and Gila monsters.
(d) Poison Dart frogs and salamanders.

4. For how many hours was Michael Brown's body left facedown in the street after being shot six times by police in Ferguson?
(a) Six.
(b) Eight.
(c) Four.
(d) Ten.

5. To what danger is the author of the essay "Black and Blue" referring when he writes, "The streets had their own safety. Unlike at home, there I could be myself without fear of bodily harm" (130)?
(a) His mother's physical abuse.
(b) His grandmother's physical abuse.
(c) His stepfather's physical abuse.
(d) His brother's physical abuse.

Short Answer Questions

1. From the deaths of Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin and Tamir Rice, how many indictments were handed down?

2. What is the name of the era in which African-Americans made leaps in advancement just after the end of slavery?

3. What two adjectives does the author of the "The Weight" use to describe the whiteness of the magazine's offices?

4. What emotion does Jesmyn Ward say she feels when she looks at the works collected in The Fire This Time?

5. What tragic event had occurred the week before Emily Raboteau took her family on a walk over The High Bridge?

(see the answer key)

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