The Fire Next Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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The Fire Next Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The author claims in his conclusion of "My Dungeon Shook" that "we can make America" what?
(a) "Great again."
(b) "A beacon of yesterday."
(c) "Better than it has ever been."
(d) "What America must become."

2. The author says of one of his ancestors in "My Dungeon Shook," "One of them said, the very time I thought I was lost, my dungeon shook and" what?
(a) "I was given faith."
(b) "I suddenly saw the light."
(c) "I was engulfed."
(d) "My chains fell off."

3. What does the word "impertinent" mean in the context of "My Dungeon Shook"?
(a) Plausible.
(b) Uncomfortable or wary.
(c) Disrespectful or rude.
(d) Inexcusable.

4. The author urges the letter recipient in "My Dungeon Shook" to "imagine how you would feel if you woke up one morning to find the sun shining and all the stars" what?
(a) "Aflame."
(b) "Fallen."
(c) "Gone."
(d) "Black."

5. Of the letter recipient's father, the author says in "My Dungeon Shook," I hear in his present laughter" what?
(a) "His laughter as a child."
(b) "The laughter of tomorrow."
(c) "The singing of birds of yesterday."
(d) "The gravelly voice of our father."

Short Answer Questions

1. The author writes to the letter recipient in "My Dungeon Shook," "You come from a long line of" what?

2. The author indicates in "My Dungeon Shook" that "people find it very difficult to act on" what?

3. Where was "My Dungeon Shook" first published?

4. What word from "My Dungeon Shook" means great in importance, extent, or size?

5. How does the author describe his father's life in "My Dungeon Shook"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the author say the world has done to his brother in "My Dungeon Shook"?

2. What paradox does the author describe in "My Dungeon Shook"?

3. How does the author describe aspirations toward excellence or mediocrity in "My Dungeon Shook"?

4. How does James Baldwin describe his father's defeat in "My Dungeon Shook"?

5. What "is the danger in the minds of most white Americans," according to the author in "My Dungeon Shook"?

6. What does the author write about the words "acceptance" and "integration" in "My Dungeon Shook"?

7. How does the author describe his mother in "My Dungeon Shook"?

8. How is the essay "My Dungeon Shook" formatted and structured?

9. How does the author rally his nephew in the conclusion of "My Dungeon Shook"?

10. What does Baldwin claim to be "the root of my dispute with my country" in "My Dungeon Shook"?

(see the answer keys)

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